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Aanyati was tensed and why would she not be. Moti was behaving really different. She would not show her the portraits of any prince or tease her with anyone's name.

" Rajkumari, here's your dinner" came Moti with a plate in her hands.

" Moti, why calling me Rajkumari, you are my friend and why have you brought my food here? I wanted to eat with jiji today" asked Aanyati

Moti became tensed for a bit and that didn't go unnoticed by Aanyati.

" Rajkumari Shrikhandini is busy in some work that's why she send me to inform you and give food to you" she said trembling and fumbling a bit.

" Oh ok, come eat with me" offered Aanyati but Moti became scared.

" Panchali, I have eaten already, you please continue. " Aanyati though had some doubts but she can't doubt on her best friend so she continued eating.

After a while her head started spinning, her eyes became heavy which she tried to keep open, her whole body felt too heavy for her to balance as she fell on her floor half conscious.

" Vijaynath come inside, she is unconscious" called Moti someone. Aanyati though unconscious could hear them and see their blurry faces.

" Oh my priye Taramati , you are the best" that man said to Moti who smiled in the most evil way.

" Be fast now, take her to the forest rather we will be caught" said Moti ( Taramati) covering Aanyati with a cloth. " There's a rope in the balcony through which she go to forest and that wall is also having a secret door. Now go "

That man did as Taramati said and soon was in the forest with a half unconscious princess. He stopped on a spot and kept Aanyati near a tree. She wanted to protest, to fight but her body was not helping her.

That man again turned to Aanyati to take out her jewellery just when a spear came out of nowhere wounding his hand.

He cried in pain. Aanyati tried to keep her eyes open. There stood a man with a spear in his hand. His face was not visible to Aanyati but she felt familiar.

That spear man tied the other one with a cloth on a tree and came toward Aanyati.

" Rajkumari, Rajkumari are you alright, Rajkumari wake up " he said without even touching her. But Aanyati had no strength to even stand up. All she could see was a man helping her

He took out his own agnavastra and wrapped Aanyati's shoulders with it. Then he helped Aanyati to stand up and then helped her to walk to a horse tied at a distance. He then took his agnavastra and wrapped it around Aanyati's waist. Aanyati was confused what this man is doing just when he picked her up and made her sit on the horse's back.

He then himself climbed up behind her and started riding the horse. Aanyati's whole body was drained off energy, her hands were resting on either side of his neck while her head was lying on his bare chest. With her blurry vision, Aanyati could see his face, looking forward.

She for once felt it's wrong but then her condition changed her mind and she fall into deep slumber in his embrace. He on the other hand was looking straight. His one hand was on her waist to steady her up while the other was on the rope of horse. About his feelings, he himself had no idea.

Aanyati felt huge pain in her forehead when she tried to open her eyes. Finally she opened her eyes. There stood Swarnika on one side of Aanyati and Shrikhandini with raj vadya on the other side.

" Vriti, putri are you okay" asked Swarnika as she woke up and engulfed her in a hug.

Aanyati was confused at first but then she started remembering everything, her kiddnap, Moti, that man. How did she reach here?

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