Devika's abduction

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Aanyati was pacing to and fro at the main gate of palace. Nakul and Bheem were passing by when they saw her there and approached her.

" Pranipat bhabhi maa! What's the reason of this evening walk that too at the main gate?" Nakul asked in his always jolly way.

" Devika!! She had gone for market visit and hadn't come yet. " Aanyati shared her worry still pacing.

" Bhabhi maa just stop pacing like this. " Bheem stopped her before saying anything
" She will come in a while. What can happen to her in the presence of Indrprast's soldiers"

" That is what the problem is Vrikodhar!! Despite my order she went alone without any maid or soldier" at this moment Bheem and Nakul got a bit worried too.

" Don't worry bhabhi shri. Me and Nakul will ourselves bring her" saying so both Nakul and Bheem rode their horses leaving for the market which Devika visited.

Meanwhile a frozen Karna came out of shock and straightened his Vijaya. Soon a good number of arrows started landing on the people's hands or legs who surrounded an unconscious Devika. The environment got filled with the sounds of their cries in pain.

Karna didn't waste any time and picked Devika up in his arms. She was conscious but wasn't moving. Maybe because of that pin injected in her. Tears were flowing from her eyes continuously without any sob. Karna was angry and shocked at the same time. He carried her as far as he could but suddenly some arrows started coming in their direction. One of it pierced through karna's arm. He didn't even finched and carried on his journey.

He already saw the women of that tribe attacking on them. He can't attack any women. That's why he just increased his pace and found a small cave nearby. He carefully entered in without coming in anyone's eyes and placed Devika adjacent to a wall. Tears were still flowing from her eyes. It was clear she wanted to talk, to cry but that poision had made her whole body numb.

" You are safe. No one will even touch you here" Karna assured in similar emotionless tone he have and sat across her.

He could not help but remember that scene again and again.

He was following that tribe from a distance in order to not get caught. When he finally reached at that place through foot prints, he saw there was no women who carried Devika to there. She was placed at a raised platform with many men surrounding her. She was scared but couldn't show it because of that poision.

A man dressed just like others but with a crown came forward toward Devika. He placed his hands on her shoulders and was moving his face toward her neck. Karna didn't wait any longer. He used his arrows on them. The only thing he remembered after that was Devika's scared face. She was terrified to no end and he knew that.

Even now he could see how desperately she is trying to move her hands toward her shoulder where that man touched her. He was blaming himself for not helping her earlier. A woman's honour is more important for her than anything.

" Don't worry, I will drop you at palace all safe" he assured again. He could see how grateful Devika is to him in her eyes.

Meanwhile, Bheem and Nakul had turned the whole market up side down in search of Devika. She is their responsibility in Indrprast. They can't let anything happen to her.

A shopkeeper told them that they saw her going out of Indrprast's boundary. The fear of something happening to Devika increased more in their mind. That area is surrounded by many tribal people who have illogical rules and rituals. They wasted no time in going there to search for her.

On their way to the denser part, they saw someone sitting inside a small cave like structure.

They went toward that direction just to see Karna and a half conscious Devika there. Bheem's blood was boiling now. His anger clouding his senses. He didn't even try to listen or think anything as he immediately charged upon Karna. Devika was startled at first and then tried to move.

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