A swayamvar??

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Dhridstdhumn entered in his jiji's palace to meet her after completing his not so important work. His eyes travelled to the garden where a lady drapped in beautiful while saree stood. He went to her with a smile on his face. He knew he will be the most loved brother in the world. Afterall he is having three sisters.

" Jiji...." Before he could continue further, Aanyati twisted his ear with her other hand on her waist.

" Ahh...jiji...I don't think...I deserve such...ahh amazing treatment" he cried.

" Well, I think you deserve much better treatment" saying this Aanyati twisted his ear again.

" Aanyati, leave this poor kid, why this punishment" asked Shrikhandini. Aanyati finally left his ear.

" Poor kid jiji!! Do you have any idea what he have done? " Aanyati behaved like an angry mother " first he didn't come to meet me, his practice is much more important than me and then I heard he tripped Bhadra in mud" Shrikhandini chuckled. This boy is totally opposite of Draupadi. She is calm and he is disaster. Till the time a mud covered Subhadra came forward.

" You seriously complained to my jiji about this" Dhridstdhumn snapped on Subhadra who showed her tongue. Aanyati glared at Dhridstdhumn which made him stand still massaging his ear.

"Jiji, he was making bhrata Krishna's fun as well" Subhadra made a puppy face.

" Dhridstdhumn" before Aanyati could hold his ear again he ran away.

" I will meet you after sometime jiji when your anger will be gone" he shouted running away.

Aanyati and Shrikhandini chuckled while Subhadra made an angry face.

" Bhadra, have a bath first and don't worry I will teach him a good lesson" Aanyati told to Subhadra who left smiling.

" He seems a bit notorious unlike Draupadi" Aanyati commented

" He is disaster Panchali " Shrikhandini added" just the day after his birth, he almost ignited the whole palace "

Aanyati's mouth fell open" so the renovation is for that " Shrikhandini noded.

Aanyati finally was feeling peace. The credit either goes to her siblings or her Sakha whose presence is enough to soothe anyone.

Even if she wanted to think about something, her new sibling duo will pop up out of nowhere engaging her in something.

Subhadra is getting closer to Draupadi too but she and Dhridstdhumn are not supposed to be in a room for more than a minute. They just open their mouth to fight.

She for once wondered why Govind visited Panchal. There is always a reason, even in his sneezing. But who can understand the leela of Narayan.

Draupadi, Dhridstdhumn, Subhadra, Aanyati and Krishna were sitting in the beautiful garden of Aanyati's palace.

" Sakhi Draupadi, how is your teaching going?" Asked Krishna

" It's good Sakha, who can doubt on my jiji as a teacher " Draupadi replied.

" That's what the problem is Sakhi, this sister of yours is incompatible in word battle and I hardly want one more Aanyati. This one is hard to handle. What will happen in the presence of two?" Krishna made a horrified face. Aanyati mouth fell open while Draupadi chuckled.

" Don't forget you are talking about my sister Vasudev, the princess of Panchal. You might end up in trouble " Dhridstdhumn warned. He actually is short tempered and over protective when it comes to his family.

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