A new journey

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After that night Aanyati was really relaxed. Her every worry had vanished. Yudhishthir behaved more like a friend to her on which she can trust, who listens to her, who is there for her. She was now ready to face this new life of her . Because he was with her.

Next few days passed in a blink of eyes. Draupadi married the five pandavas one by one . Aanyati was worried for her sister but what Draupadi told her surprised her.

" They are not what I thought jiji" Draupadi said to Aanyati after all her marriages were done and they were preparing to leave. Aanyati gave her a ' explain ' look.

" I was scared jiji. I had already given my heart to Arya Arjun. These marriages came like a storm in my beautiful protected garden. When Sakha told me about my past life, I was bound to accept mentally but not from my heart. I could not think of any man except Arya Arjun. When that demand was put in sabha, I was scared about my marriage with Arya Arjun. He is devoted to his jyest. Who knows what he had done if you rejected. But after my marriage with jyest kauntaya I realised what I had stepped into. " Aanyati's heart was beating anxiously. She didn't know what to expect.

" That night when he entered my chamber, I almost stopped breathing. I couldn't prepare myself for any other man. But his statements
made me realise why he is called Dharmraj."

" There's no need to worry Rajkumari. We five brothers might have married you but we will never ask for any rights from you. You will remain our wife for the rest of world but only Arjun will have rights on you. Only he will be your true husband. I assure you that "

Aanyati felt like a stone is lifted from her heart. She somewhere knew they will do something like this but not exactly this.

" No one except Arya Arjun claimed me jiji " Draupadi said with relief. " They know how to respect woman. None of the rest brothers even touched me. Arya Arjun too apologised to my countless times. I had to stop him saying it was bound to happen " Draupadi chuckled. Aanyati carresed her face lovingly.

" I am happy for you " she said and Draupadi hugged her.

" I can't be more happy than this jiji. I got my love and you will always be with me. What else do I need " said Draupadi breaking the hug.

" You will have to face this cruel society now Draupadi. Be prepared "

They will leave for Hastinapur tomorrow morning. This is the last night she will spend in her Panchal.

Knowing it's her last night here, Aanyati choose to walk through her palace once before sleeping. She already informed Moti to tell if anyone ask.

She went through the corridors,  she once ran from, to the kridangan where she practised with her jiji and father, to the high walls of palace she had climbed upon, to her beautiful garden where she spend some of the most blissful moments of her life and finally she reached her little temple of Vishnu. A small smile adorned her lips remembering all those memories.

" It's pretty late to roam around Drupad kanya" the stern yet soft voice of Dronacharya made her turn around to face him.

" Exactly guru Drone" she smiled saying. Practically he was out roaming as well. That's how he found her right. Drone could not stop the smile spreading on his face looking at this girl in front of him. Both walked together back to the palace.

" May I ask something Guru Drone" she asked and he noded.

" I am unable to reason your deeds. You avenged my father and then came to celebrate his daughters marriage with him. You are teaching Dhridstdhumn, who is supposed to kill you. Why?" Drone smiled at her curiosity.

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