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Years passed like days. Aanyati was not a teen girl anymore. She was a grown lady who knew what is right and wrong. Throughout the hard practice, a lady was born whose thoughts could challenge the devtas, whose sword could tore apart the strongest person alive.

The way she used to move with her sword, frightened every person alive. She had developed utter calmness and rigidness in her thoughts. Her eyes screamed power and about her face, Parshuram had no idea. He wondered if she had seen her own face in these years or not.

Aanyati had developed great relation with her brother Vasusena as well. He many times used to teach her archery and she in return used to teach him sword battle. Although both excelled in their own fields but they still tried to learn more. They even argued on many topics and at the end Aanyati used to get upset with him. Vasusena, in order to light her mood up used to bring mangoes from a trees or white jasmines which Aanyati loved.

One such conversation they had is still remembered by Parshuram -

" Jyestha, why do you want to be number one?" Questioned an innocent girl

" Oh my Anujayeti, this world is too cruel to respect anyone. The one who is at top is respected and I want that respect" answered Vasusena sternly

" But respect is in one's heart, it can't be gained by power, what we gain by power is respect out of fear" argued Aanyati " what is the need to be at number one, I am happy in being the best instead of being at top"

" Thats easy for you to say Anujayeti, but not for the one who had suffered his whole life just to gain some respect while following his passion. This world don't allow you to do so" answered Vasusena. His words carried the emotions he holded for years.

" Don't judge the whole world on the basis of some examples bhrata. There are people who respect your passion and you " said Aanyati" even girls are not allowed to carry weapons but here am I, learning yuddhkala from bhagwan Parshuram himself "

" You are lucky enough to find him Aanyati but destiny is not same for all " said Vasusena closing the topic

" But.." Aanyati tried to protest but was not acknowledged by Vasusena. At that moment she became angry with him, climbed a tree and sat on one of it's branch. Vasusena after sometime came to apologise but she didn't listen. So he went into the jungle and came with some jasmines after a while. It was after that, that Aanyati came down and talked to him.

" Putri Aanyati" said Parshuram to a lady practising sword battle all alone

" Pranipat gurudev" she said in her melodious tone

" It's the time for your final test. Today, I Parshuram challange you" he said holding a sword out of nowhere.

" A kshtrani can never reject the offer of battle gurudev" she said taking his blessings.

Soon a battle began, which one assumed to be friendly or playful but it wasn't. Instead it was a furious battle between a guru and his shisya. Both showed their valour equally. But a guru is guru. His students can never beat him. Parshuram immediately pushed Aanyati to ground but she stood up again and threw her sword in air. Parshuram turned his head up to see the sword and Aanyati took the opportunity to push him to ground, pulling the sword on him instantly.

She then bend down on her knees joining her hands and bowing her head down. Parshuram stood up and told her to do so.

" Your biggest strength is your brain putri, you are not bound in the overthinking one do. " said Parshuram blessing her

" Go putri, from now on you are free to go anywhere. Your training has ended today " Aanyati smiled on his words and touched his feet.

" Gurudev, my training can't end until I give you your guru dakshina " she protested

Aanyati - A Warrior Where stories live. Discover now