A proposal?

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" Mahamantri Vidur, maha mahim Bhism, Maharaj had called you in his chamber" informed a dasi. Both sighted and began their way to Dhritarashtr's chamber.

" Tat shri, Vidur, please come" smiled Dhritarashtra sitting on the sofa with both of his family members.

" Can I know the reason of this urgent meeting Maharaj" asked Bhism in his stern voice.

" Please call me Dhritarashtr Tat shri. I wanted to discuss about the yuvraj of Hastinapur. All the kids are about to complete their training. We must be ready to welcome them" he said

" There's still a year in that Dhritarashtr and what are we even supposed to prepare about?" asked Bhism

" I am talking about yuvraj's marriage tat shri " he said getting up" I am not the true king and you know that, its necessary to do the yuvraj abhisek as soon as they return from Gurukul and for that marriage is necessary "

His thoughts for once made sense to Bhism and Vidur.

" Is there any suitable princess in your eyes jyest?" asked Vidur

" That's what the problem is anuj, I want you people to recommend me the future of Hastinapur " said Dhritarashtr sitting again.

" There is one princess jyest, the princess of Panchal - Aanyati, I have heard a lot about her " suggested Vidur

" Panchal, are you out of your mind Vidur. Panchal and Hastinapur are rivals, how can we even propose this offer?" an angry Dhritarashtr stated

" That is what the point is jyest. If Panchal and Hastinapur became one then no kingdom will have the power to protest against us and marriage is the strongest bond one can form between these two kingdoms. " argued Vidur.

" Don't turn this topic into politics anuj. I want a queen for Hastinapur who can unite the whole kuruvansh. I want a girl who can support yuvraj in his every decision " argued Dhritarashtr.

" Then Rajkumari Panchali is worth putr. I agree with Vidur. She indeed is different " said Bhism

" Yes jyest, according to my sources, she is the daughter of Agni Dev and Devi Prakriti. She herself is divine bhrata. She will surely unite the whole kuruvansh and our yuvraj " answered Vidur

" Tell me more " ordered Dhritarashtr

" There is an unconfirmed information jyest that she has taken yudh shikha and ved shiksha from bhagwan Parshuram. She is excellent in other necessary fields as well. And most importantly, she is known for her magnificent thoughts and looks. She is the definition of beauty with brain " answered Vidur.

" If tat shri is praising someone then she must be worthy of it. Tomorrow we both will go to Panchal with this offer tat shri " smiled Dhritarashtra leaving from there.

" I am glad Vidur that Maharaj finally understood Yudhisthir's worth. " a content spread over bhism's face

" I myself am surprised tat shri, but this change is good. He accepted Yudhisthir and is even searching for a bride. That's amazing" smiled Vidur.

" Dasi, I am leaving for temple, if someone asks please inform them " said Aanyati exiting her big chamber. She saw her rakshak standing there but ignored him. That is what she can do.

Going to the temple is favourite part of her day because there is no soldiers or dasi around. She is all alone and can see her peaceful Panchal. No one is there to stop her or scold her. But today something was different. Someone was moving behind Aanyati. She turned around to encounter her rakshak mahoday.

" What are you doing here?" she asked in confusion plus anger

" I am your rakshak Rajkumari and following you everywhere for your security is my Dharm " answered Yudhisthir in his calm voice.

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