the love story of Moti and Yuyutsu

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At the beautiful garden of Aanyati's palace sat Draupadi, Aanyati, Shrikhandini and Dushala glaring at an innocent looking Moti. Their demand - listen to the back story of Moti and Yuyutsu.

Dushala, due to her smartness found out about their relation instantly and confirmed it from Aanyati.

Now Moti was struck.

" I don't mind taking three bhabhi maa from here at all" Dushala smiled showing her white teeth. Moti was not even meeting their gaze. Aanyati sighted

" For the last time I am asking Moti and after this, I will go directly to Swarnika mata" Aanyati warned.

Moti sighted before starting the story.

" You remember the night when you didn't come when expected and was struck in Mayavi van" Moti asked over which Aanyati noded. She still remember that demon's evil laughter and lustful gaze. " It all started from there"

Moti was pacing to and fro worriedly in Aanyati's chamber. Aanyati was supposed to return till now but she was no where to be seen. Moti, not being able to sit patiently decided to enter the forest to find her.

She placed a pillow on the bed and covered it with blanket before climbing down through the rope and leaving the palace through that secret door.

Although her heart was beating at an abnormal rate due to the fear but she tried to look calm. She removed her anklets in order to be safe from attracting unwanted dangers and covered her face and head with her long odhni. She even picked a stick to protect herself.

Taking slow steps, she went near the river flowing where she had seen Aanyati sitting the most. But dead silence welcomed her. No one was seen around.

She stomped her foot in frustration and threw the stick in river. But to her horror, a man appeared out of the river. Moti didn't see his face in darkness and hid behind a tree to be safe.

But that person was a warrior, a warrior with great instinct and knowledge. He picked up his sword that was lying under some leaves.

Here Moti was trembling in fear. When she heard dead silence again she relaxed a bit thinking she is safe but she was wrong.

She felt the sharp cold metal just an inch away from her neck. One move and she would have died. Her already pacing heart was now beating at the speed of light. Her eyes turned to her right to see who is the owner of the soul.

Instead of being scared, she relaxed meeting his gaze. Her stiffness gone. She stared in his eyes with her beautiful brown orbs.

That man was confused at her behaviour. At first she threw a stick directly at his head and now was behaving like he had gifed her flowers when his sword is at her neck. He didn't waste any more time and removed the cloth which was hiding her face.

Now it was his turn to froze. He froze at the exact moment her face came in his view. Her eyes wide with shock looked at his with something unexplainable. Her long slightly curly hair finally came into view, her lips were slightly parted for God knows why, a pinkish glow was making her shine even in the darkness.

After moments long of silence, he straightened himself removing the sword. Moti had already came out of her shocked state and was waiting for him to remove the sword so she can atleast talk.

" Who are you? What are you doing at this time in the jungle?" That man asked before Moti could say anything. But instead of replying, Moti ran away.

" I can reply to your questions but I don't have the time. Will reply on our next meet" Moti shouted running away. The sun was about to rise and she have to reach in the palace before anyone come to meet Aanyati.

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