What is Dharma?

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Aanyati along with her sakhi was sitting on the shore of river Ganga at a rock. Her rakshak mahoday standing behind them.

" Moti, what will happen if I do any adharm?" asked Aanyati casually gazing at the beautiful view.

" Hey Shivji, teach this girl about dharm and adharma, I can't tolerate her stupid questions at all" said Moti over dramatically.

" Ohh Moti, you and your antics, ok tell me what according to you dharm is?" asked Aanyati without removing her gaze from the flowing water. Moti silently ran away from the question box saving her life. Aanyati, not getting any answer shouted.

" I asked you something"

" She ran away long ago Rajkumari" informed Yudhisthir bitting back his smile.

This time Aanyati turned around to see her rakshak mahoday standing beside her. She gestured him to sit.

" She ran away but you are here. Tell me what is Dharma" she questioned in a childish tone.

" Everything" he answered calmly. It was just one word but meant a lot and not Aanyati was more than curious about his thoughts of Dharma. Afterall he claims to never commit any adharm.

She just raised her eyebrow and Yudhisthir understood her. He continued while looking at the water flowing in front of him.

" Look at the flowing water Rajkumari, it's mata ganga's dharm to provide water to everyone who come to her, to clean their sins. If she don't perform this Dharma, life will stop on earth. What I mean to say is, Dharm is the path of righteousness, it is the right way of living, the cosmic law and order. Dharm is the creator and it is the destroyer. No one can change it but everyone can follow it. Dharm is never created, it always existed since the beginning of life. It is the base of any society. It is what makes mortals immortal. "

Aanyati just looked at this man in front of her with vivid amusement. She had asked almost every person she met that what is Dharma, no one could satisfy her mind with their answers. Meanwhile this man just told the best definition of Dharma to ever exist like it's casual. Although she was baffled but still she wanted to test him more.

" But the one who follows Dharma suffers from constant adharm throughout his life " she argued

He turned toward her and said" If your Dharma is strong, if your cause is true then no matter how much adharms happens with you, you at last win and achieve the divine soul. "

" Isn't it true that the one who follows Dharma often land in Dharm Sankat "

He thought for a bit and continued" Dharm Sankat comes when you get confused between Dharm itself, when you don't know which dharm you should follow and which not, when more then one act of Dharma is at stake and in such situation the one who follows true Dharma wins "

Aanyati was not satisfied. So she continued
" Cutting a tree is adharm but when any yajna takes place we cut trees. Is it right "

" No doubt cutting a tree is adharm Rajkumari but when a tree is used for yajna, it benifits the whole world and in that way the tree's life is considered as lucky so if it is for a good purpose then it's not adharm. " He answered with same calmness. Not even a frown.

" You say lying is adharm but if the motive of a lie is Dharm then will it still remain adharm. " Her question made Yudhisthir bewildered. He never thought in that way. He had no answer as he was lost in his own thoughts questioning his knowledge.

" So you have started troubling other people again sakhi " came the divine voice of her Govind, her Narayan. She turned around with a smile dancing on her lips. Her heart fluttering with immense joy.

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