Two promises

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Admist the darkness of night, Aanyati sat on her bed facing the balcony. The soft light of moon was falling on her face giving her an eternal glow. But she was lost. Lost in her thoughts. She knows it's her destiny to get married to Yudhisthir but some part of her heart don't want to accept this. Draupadi will become her co-wife, she is not ready for this, she will enter the kurukul where everyone have hidden intentions to do something, she never wanted this. But at the end she have to accept this.

Lost in her thoughts, she hardly slept that night.

Yudhishthir was sitting in his balcony facing the moon, not chandr dev but the one glowing in his light - Aanyati. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't pay attention to him. He on the other hand was feeling guilty, guilty for putting her in such condition.

" She will burn in your intense gaze Dharmraj, spare her and have some glace at this poor soul" Vishwa entered his chamber again without permission. He actually never took permission. Yudhishthir turned around and sighted at the view. Nakul was standing with two pony tails on his head. Rest of his brothers including Yuyutsu and Vishwa were laughing at his condition while he made a tired look.

Yudhishthir turned his stern gaze to them one by one and they stopped laughing at him. Nakul's face gained some colour finding his jyest supporting him. But to everyone's surprise Yudhisthir started laughing at Nakul whose mouth opened wide in surprise. This was the indication for all to laugh as they started laughing.

Between their laughter session, Vishwa didn't miss the sadness Yudhisthir was trying to cover with his smile but he felt it better to not discuss.

Next morning came and everyone was busy in the functions. Both Yudhisthir and Aanyati were taken for holy bath (seperately) .

Then the occasion of haldi started. Although there was music all around but not in people's heart still everyone tried to not show it.

" Jyest, today we have got the permit to apply as much haldi on your face as we want" Bheem laughed. Arjun and Nakul too joined. Sehdev remained aloof knowing they will get enough beating (verbal)  from Yudhisthir after this.

As Bheem advanced with full bowl of haldi, Yudhisthir glanced at him. That was enough to stop Bheem but to everyone's surprise, a while bowl of haldi was poured on Yudhishthir's face by none other than Vishwa.

Yudhishthir sighted knowing it is just the starting. He for once can control his brothers but not Vishwa. Only Yuyutsu and Sehdev stood away from all enjoying the view.

" I still wonder you came just to see the marriage bhrata Yuyutsu" Sehdev whispered to Yuyutsu without looking at him . Yuyutsu understood his meaning.

" Gandhar Raj is planning to throw you all out of Hastinapur once you return. You have strengthened yourself by this alliance and they won't allow you to sustain " Yuyutsu answered straight. Sehdev sighted knowing this mouse race will never end.

Meanwhile Aanyati sat in a bit pot all covered in haldi. Moti and Dushala were still laughing at her. Shrikhandini and Draupadi were holding back themselves like Swarnika.

Soon milk was poured on her head followed by water. She was redied for applying mendhi.

Then started the most awaited night. Panchal is known for its unique music and dance. Tonight everyone was going to witness that with their own eyes.

Aanyati sat on her sofa behind a curtain. So did Yudhisthir just beside her. Both were warned not to look at each other even in the presence of curtains.

Drums, flutes, sitar, veena, everything started playing one by one. The groom side danced teasing the bride side. But Aanyati didn't look happy with that. She gestured something to Moti who got up immediately and went somewhere.

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