understanding eachother

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" Nakul, what are you doing here?" asked Yom to his Anuj who came out of nowhere with his sword.

" I am appointed as a dwarpal in the royal court jyest. I just came here to inform you. " saying that he took his jyest's blessings and went away.

Soon a maid entered inside Aanyati's chamber. And after that Aanyati came out with her sakhi to go somewhere. Yudhishthir as usual followed her to wherever she was going.

She entered inside the royal court and so was supposed to be done by Yudhisthir but someone pulled him beside.

" Don't go there jyest, pita ma and tat shri are present there" informed Nakul to his brother.

Both the brothers stood outside listening to what's going inside.

" Pranipat pita shri, you called me?" asked Aanyati to her father who seemed a bit tensed.

" Come here putri, meet the king of Hastinapur, Maharaj Dhritarashtr and Gangaputr Maha Mahim Bhism" said Drupad gesturing toward the two person present there along with Satyajeet.

" Pranipat Maharaj, pranipat maha mahim" Aanyati joined her hands wishing them and stood there to encounter her faith.

" Putri" Dhritarashtr came forward toward her " I hope you know about Rajkumar Duryodhan "

Aanyati had no idea who this man was. She observed her surrounding. Gangaputr seemed more confused than Aanyati.

" I apologise Maharaj but I don't have any idea " Aanyati said sincerely

Dhritarashtr let out a chuckle " you will know soon putri. He is the mighty Yuvraj of Hastinapur and I his father has come to your door with his marriage proposal" his eyes enlarged while his face glowed with happiness.

Aanyati on the other hand was shocked and confused. Next few minutes passed in silence. No one said anything. Drupad was tensed, Ganga putr seemed furious.

" It's an honour to recieve a marriage proposal from Hastinapur Maharaj but can I ask where your son is?" said Aanyati in her soothing voice

Dhritarashtr smiled " he is in Gurukul purti. He will return soon and the first thing we will do after that is your marriage"

Now Aanyati was a bit furious. When the hell she said yes to this marriage.

" I apologise again Maharaj but I didn't say yes for the marriage " Dhritarashtr's smile vanished, Drupad became a bit relaxed and Gangaputr....he was still furious. " Indeed this is a great proposal but I can't marry any man whom I don't even know. Even you haven't met him for a long time Maharaj "

" What's the problem in that Durpadkanya? , My son is the best and I know that, there's no need to meet him for this, beside Hastinapur is a wealthy kingdom. You will not lack anything there " he said with a bit seriousness.

" A girl don't marry the kingdom Maharaj, she marries the king and for me, the only thing that matters is love and understanding which can't be developed in a day " said Aanyati

" What are you talking about Drupad Nandini, this is how marriage happens in the whole Aryavrat. No girl meets or know her husband before marriage but still the marriage grows " argued Dhritarashtr. His anger covering his senses.

" I humbly apologize for my behaviour Maharaj but Gandhar Kumari too married like this and now we all know what happened next " said Aanyati in the best and humblest way possible but still angered Dhritarashtr. Gasps could be heard through the sabha.

" You brainless woman, do you have any idea what are you saying. You have lost all your senses . How can you disrespect Hastinapur like this? How can you even reject Hastinapur " shouted Dhritarashtr in vivid anger .

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