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Both got lost in the moment or each others eyes.

" Oowhaoha" a sound made them turn their head.

" I saw nothing" said the man staring at them wide eyed. His eyes were ready to pop up any moment.

But he left immediately. Both Aanyati and Yudhisthir turned to face eachother again.

" Why did he left? What was he thinking?" Questioned Aanyati being actually confused.
Yudhishthir sighted. This girl can understand the dirty politics easily but not such a mere thing. He thought.

" Looking at our state now Rajkumari, what do you think?" He asked with sarcasm in his tone. Then it dawned upon Aanyati. They are almost on top of eachother. She is on his bed. Her mouth opened wide as Yudhisthir finally moved out of the bed picking up his agnavastra. Aanyati still laying on the bed now became more embarraced seeing his top bare.

Shock was evident on her face. Then she immediately stood up and almost ran from his chamber but he stopped her.

" But why did you came?"

Aanyati turned, her face deep red. Yudhishthir enjoyed this state of her.
" You and you family might be in danger in coming time, Gandhar Raj and his nephew are planning something against you". Aanyati just revealed such a big information but Yudhisthir stood unaffected but her concern was not this . She again turned but he stopped.

" If you will go from there than your marriage with me will be fixed that very moment. Go from here" he gestured toward the balcony. Aanyati without thinking much climbed the balcony as Yudhisthir watched her in shock.

" What are you doing?" He pulled her down.

" Yousaidgofromthere" she said in one breath without any pause.

" Huh? Anyways, I was talking about this hidden door. I was not asking you to jump" he cleared what he meant. Aanyati didn't wait any more and left.

Yudhishthir smiled to himself in surprise. The Princess who dared to speak in front of Hastinapur naresh without any fear, the princess who don't even fear any Brahmin,the fierce daughter of Agni Dev which he never saw nervous, got nervous this easily. He wondered what all she have which he don't know .

But he came out of her thoughts the moment he heard a voice.

" Vishwa, I can explain" Yudhisthir tried. But the smirk on Vishwa's face cleared he want no explanation.

" She just came to inform me about Mama shri Shakuni' s plan " hearing this vishwa became a bit serious and listened to all what he said.

" I don't see any tension on your face" vishwa observed.

" He had tried many such things earlier as well mitr and I hardly care what he do to me as for now being the yuvraj, I am his only target" Yudhisthir explained with a calm face.

" I see you are calm in such situation but you weren't when she was ....." Before Vishwa could complete his sentence, a pillow came flying to his face.

Today there was a really big pooja in Hastinapur for good in future. All the royals were walking to the temple bare footed. Aanyati being more than interested in pooja was eager to go. But she was feeling constant staring on her. She would turn to find no one. She just ignored at first thinking it would be some princess being jealous but then the gaze became intense, more of lustful. But now she didn't pay attention. If there is anyone, he/she would themselves come out.

The pooja went really well. Aanyati was contended to her heart beside being feeling a bit sleepy. Even in Hastinapur, she visits the nearby jungle daily at night. She did so tomorrow too but was unable to sleep as her mind played that embarrassing incident again and again. She never expected Yudhisthir to be this bold and that only made her cheeks red.

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