Devrat / Shrikhandini

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Aanyati was going back to her palace after worshiping when she saw an old lady carrying earthen pot full of water with difficulty.

" Maa, let me help you" she said

" I don't need anyone's help, I can live on my own" said that lady without even looking at her

" I believe you can, but I can't live peacefully without helping you. You have fed me food in my childhood mai, let me return your favour " said Panchali in her soothing voice

After listening to her that old lady turned to see her face.

" Rajkumari " she whispered shocked

" I am glad you remember me maa " smiled Aanyati

" How can I forget my only daughter who helped me when nobody did " a tear escaped that old lady's eye.

During her childhood, Panchali often used to come to her house to talk with her. She used to shower Aanyati with immense love.

One day Aanyati got to know that her husband had abondened her due to her hump back. She was angry but couldn't do anything. So she built a whole ashram for such people who had no one.

Aanyati herself became their support.

" Let me help you maa" she said taking the pot from her and walking with her.

As soon as she reached the ashram she saw a man standing there. His back facing Aanyati. She assumed him to be the servant appointed to help these people. She became angry on him. Here this old lady is carrying water alone and he is enjoying the view standing here.

" Hey you, what kind of person are you" she began scolding him. He turned around but Aanyati's saree got struck in a wood block put behind. She bent down to take it out but continued her scolding without looking " here my maa is carrying this pot all alone throughout the way and you are standing here enjoying the view. Don't you have a little bit of sympathy toward her. She is your elder. Atleast you have thought about that" she finally got up.

After seeing his face she wanted to get down again out of embarrassment. He wasn't the appointed servant. He was that man she saw in temple. She wanted to apologise but her words struck in her mouth. But how could she recognise him, he was not wearing his armour, neither his spear.

" I apologise Rajkumari, I was busy in bringing these wooden logs that's why was unable to help her. If I knew she had gone for bringing water I would surely have helped her" asnwered Yudhishthir with his hands joined.

Aanyati for once was lost in him again but she gathered herself. Her maa said

" Putri they are not the appointed servants, they are here in search of work and for staying here they are renovating this place on their own"

Aanyati was embarassed, she wanted to come out of this situation but how? Just when she was about to say something her maa said

" Putri come with me, let me listen to your stories once again as I did in your childhood"

" Sure maa, I am eager to tell you everything" smiled Aanyati going away practically running away. She was thankful to her maa for saving her.

They both sat on the ground of the ashram talking about everything.

" So you still worship your Vishnu?" asked the old lady

" Yes maa, I do worship lord Shiva " answered Aanyati

" I am asking about Vishnu " said the lady in disbelief.

" They are one maa " said Aanyati smiling.

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