Aanyati's decision

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' yogmaya did her work and now it was the time for others to accept it ' ( yogmaya can make people do the unexpected)

Dead silence spread throughout the sabha. No one dared to utter a single word. All the eyes were fixed on Arjun and his unusual demand. His face was held down with guilt or he wasn't able to hold the stare.

Drupad, his ministers , his family, pandavas and their mother , every single person present in that sabha  stood rooted on their place.

Arjun knew he did wrong by putting up such demand. He was aware that Drupad have to fullfill this demand. Being an archer, he knew arrows and words, once spoken can never be taken back. He drew this conclusion from his Madhav's words . He felt like his Madhav wants him to execute this plan. Krishna too stood without any expression on his face looking at Aanyati only.

" Arjun!!!!" a loud voice made every one come out of their trance.

" What do you consider my sisters as? Are they a gift to give you on your demand? Do you even register your own words? " Shouted Dhridstdhumn on top of his lungs.

Maharaj Drupad who was standing till now dropped down on his throne helpless. Shrikhandini and Satyajeet rushed to him.

Draupadi stared at her sister with uncertainty. Swarnika and Moti holding her from either side. Kunti looked confused at her son. Her face twisting in the pain Aanyati was feeling. Dhridstdhumn still shouting at Arjun and his brothers who stood in shock.

Aanyati was frozen on her place. Her eyes blank just like her mind. The only words ringing in her head were I want your daughter Rajkumari Aanyati as a wife for my jyest.

She neither heard anything else nor reacted. Her gaze straight at her sakha. Then her mind started gathering all possibilities.

What if I say no?

Pita shri will have to take exile.
Panchal's reputation will be at stake.
Draupadi's marriage will be staken. No one will marry her after whatever happened in swayamvar.
Kingdoms will attack to conquer the remaining Panchal finding it in vernuable state.

" There is no need of any war Yuvraj" Yudhisthir's calm yet deep voice made Aanyati come out of her trance. She hardly could comprehend what happened. War. Dhridstdhumn announced to wage war against pandavas.

" I myself deny for this marriage. She is having the right to choose her husband and I will not interfere in that. Maharaj !! Forgive my anuj for such disgusting demand " Yudhisthir folds his hands in front of Drupad after throwing a glare to his anuj.

Aanyati felt someone squealing her hand. She turned to see Draupadi on the verge of crying. She was pleading with her eyes.No. She can't let anything happen. Arjun had already demanded and that can't be taken back. It's known to all that's why they are silent. She took a deep breath controlling her tears and announced

" I am ready for this marriage " Aanyati's cold voice echoed in the whole sabha. Again silence engulfed everyone. The amount of shock they were getting was hard to digest. Draupadi finally left Aanyati's hand sighting in relief.

" Putri! There's no need for you to do so, I will go to exile happily but will never let you suffer " Drupad came forward. His voice showing his vernualblity.

" Yes jiji! There's no need for you to agree. I will cut there head right now and will close this matter forever." Dhridstdhumn said. Swarnika placed her hand on Aanyati's shoulder denying by her head.

But Aanyati just stared blankly at her Sakha who noded at her.

" I have announced my decision" saying that Aanyati left without wasting any second. The whole sabha was still in shock.

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