Aanyati's day

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Kunti was roaming in the whole palace of Indrprast since morning trying to find her eldest daughter in law. Instead of ordering any dasi to bring Aanyati, Kunti was up to the mission. She wanted to see where she could find her.

She first went to the kridangan where Aanyati practices along with Arjun. But she left from there already. Arjun informed Kunti that she will be preparing the thal for Yudhishthir's surya pujan. So Kunti went to Yudhisthir who told her that Aanyati left already. Upon asking he informed that she must be with Sehdev, deciding the next political step we should take. Kunti went to Sehdev who told her that Aanyati will be in the stable along with Nakul, checking upon all the animals and their food. Kunti went there too but Nakul told her that she will be with Vishwa handling some financial work.

Kunti went to Vishwa who told her that she left for kitchen already to prepare for food. Kunti entered the kitchen to see almost every food item is prepared in large vessels spreading delicious fragrance throughout the corridors. But Aanyati wasn't there. Draupadi and Rajeshwari told her that Aanyati had gone to visit Sukhda along with Yuyutsu. Kunti went there too but Aanyati was no where to be found. Kunti wondered what all she has done just after waking up. She is there for everyone. Her whole time is devoted to others. She herself looks after even the smallest of work. Kunti was surprised when she saw Aanyati serving almost thousand of Brahmins alone. Those Brahmins too looked happy to find the maharani serving food to them by herself. At the end she finally accepted her defeat and was going to call a dasi to find Aanyati when her eyes travelled to the garden.

There sat Aanyati planting some flowers. Kunti didn't waste any time now and went straight to her.

" Putri!!" Hearing Kunti's voice Aanyati turned around to see her.

" Pranipat mata!" She wished dusting off her clothes.

" There isn't any need to plant them by yourself putri! Anyone can do that work" she said sitting near a plant watering it.

" That's true mata, anyone can but that will not let me rest. I will not be satisfied until I do this work by myself" Aanyati started digging another hole. Kunti smiled lovingly at her.

" So that's the reason you do almost every work by yourself" Aanyati noded taking another plant.

" I am blessed to have you as my daughter putri!! I surely have done some good works to get you in this life. " Kunti was smiling continuously. Aanyati let the praise enter her heart but not her mind.

" May I ask why you were looking for me mata?" Aanyati asked

" I want you and Yudhisthir to visit trikal darshi Mahadev's temple of north and take his blessings. It's going to be an year for your marriage and I want you start this new year of your married life with Mahadev's blessings. "

" We will surely go mata but Dharmraj must be busy with work. Indrprast is still a developing kingdom " Aanyati uttered her worry. She too wish to spend some lone time with her husband to know him better, to have conversation with him like she used to have with her rakshak mahoday back in Panchal. But both of them were busy in their works leading to no time for each other.

" The man who have you as his wife can never be busy in any work. If any necessary work is there then your brother in laws are here. You just go and pray for a good future " Kunti assured her.

Aanyati bid bye to Kunti and headed to kitchen directly. The food is prepared and the Brahmins have started arriving . She must be there to see if the servings are done properly or not.

She entered the kitchen to find an angry Rajeshwari throwing death glares at Vishwa and Nakul. She sighted knowing these two must have done something unexpected again.

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