A little bit of happiness

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Yudhishthir was standing at the balcony of him chamber with his hands behind his back. Krishna did his work as required. Most of the people were now ok with these marriages.

" Jyest!" Arjun's voice made Yudhisthir alert. He didn't turn but listened attentively.

" I am sorry jyest. I just did what felt right to me. I don't know what happened..." Yudhishthir cut him in between

" Whatever happened has happened anuj" Yudhisthir placed his hand on Arjun's shoulder " you are not my culprit. If you want to apologise then go to Rajkumari."

" I surely will jyest!" with a smile Arjun replied. Yudhishthir engulfed him in a tight hug. In the mean time remaining three pandavas too came and joined the hug.

" Putr! " Kunti's sweet voice made them turn around " your Kaka shri Vidur, Dushala, Yuyutsu and Vishwajeet are coming from Hastinapur" she informed with a small sad smile.

" That's great news mata! We will meet Kaka shri after so much time" Arjun tried to lift her mood.

" Dushala is coming?" Nakul asked in shock. Nakul is Dushala's favourite brother whom she can tease any time without any worry. In their childhood, Dushala used to make pony tails of Nakul's hairs because they were really soft and silky and no one would stop her. She used to roam around the palace making Nakul her horse and he out of love for his only sister never denied her. Their beautiful duo still continues.

" Be prepared Nakul, Panchal will be in shock finding there jaimata with two pony tails " Bheem laughed. Others too joined them in their laughter.

" Why are you laughing jyest?? Didn't you hear, bhrata Vishwa is also coming " Nakul remarked. Yudhishthir actually was a little nervous about that but he hides his emotions perfectly.

" I can handle him " Yudhisthir smiled. Kunti left with a genuine smile finding her sons being happy.

" Bhrata Yuyutsu is also coming!, there must be some information he wants to give up otherwise he would have never tried to come in our marriage knowing Kauravas can doubt him" Sehdev made everyone remember.

" Be alert anujo, no danger should touch Panchal because of our presence here". Yudhisthir ordered.

Yuyutsu , despite being a Kaurav never leaved the side of Dharma. Duryodhan never behaved nicely with him and treated him as a das reminding him that he is a dasi putr but Yuyutsu never considered it as a shame.He is older than the younger three pandavas that provide him with utmost respect from them. Even in Gurukul, Yuyutsu used to spend most of his time with pandavas but with time he shifted to Kauravas and worked as a spy to provide information to Pandavas. He is as calm as Yudhisthir and as strong as Bheem which make him a great warrior as well.

" Yagyaseni! " Aanyati entered Draupadi's chamber when she was sitting lost in thoughts.

" Pranipat jiji" Draupadi wished with a slight smile.

Aanyati started combing her long hairs. "Something is troubling you?"

" Nothing can trouble me jiji! Not when you are with me " Draupadi turned around her hugged Aanyati" and from now on you always will be with me only " Draupadi said with a charming smile. In the meantime a sulking Dhridstdhumn entered in.

" See Draupadi, someone is getting jealous of our love " Aanyati commented smiling mischievously.

" Let the world burn in jealousy jiji" Draupadi held her head high.

" Stop your acting ,fool " Dhridstdhumn hit her slightly on her head.

" Jiji!!" Draupadi complainted

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