Unusual demand

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" Vriti!! The chariots are coming" Moti informed her friend hurriedly. Aanyati's face lit up. A smile replace her gloomy mood. She picks up the thal for Aarti and move to the entrance of main palace.

Before she could reach, everyone was present there already. With a smile she approached them.

" Move aside you four let me welcome my sister and her husband" Aanyati spoke to the four pandavas who were standing with a gloomy look. They didn't move that confused Aanyati. Then she saw her sister's face. She was crying. Aanyati knew just by her red eyes.

She turned to her pita shri for answer who stood like a helpless lamb. Dhridstdhumn face was red in anger while Krishna maintained a straight face.

" Putri! " Drupad spoke in a helpless voice "you must welcome all of them. They all are Draupadi's husband"

The thal Aanyati was holding, fell down. Her face paled with her father's statement. She looked at Draupadi and Pandavas in horror, disbelief.

Her eyes getting red and body trembling. She wanted to ask questions but her throat gave up.

" Pita shri?" She muttered not being able to digest whatever is happening. Everyone's face made is clear that noone is joking here.

Drupad broke down on his knees crying. Dhridstdhumn bend down to hold his father while he was trying his best to not kill these five pandavas present in front of them.

" Putri Draupadi, what is you father saying?" Swarnika shaked Draupadi controlling her tears. Moti stood close to Aanyati who had a blank face.

" ..he is saying the....truth mata" that was all what Draupadi said. She wanted to cry and that was clear from her face but she was holding up everything for God knows why.

" This can't happen" Aanyati whispered " this can't happen" now her voice became clear. "How can a woman marry five men?" She shouted particularly looking at Yudhisthir who held a straight face void of any emotion.
Aanyati's gaze fell upon Kunti who was standing behind them with tears flowing from her eyes.

" Rajmata Kunti! What is this happening? Why is your daughter in law being divided into your sons?" She shouted at top of her lungs. Tears wanted to come down from her eyes but they never did.

Aanyati just like Dhridstdhumn looked red in anger. " Why are you all silent?!! Say something!!"

" Calm down Sakhi" Krishna's voice came for the first time. " This is the result of Draupadi's previous birth" Krishna narrated the whole story of how Draupadi did hard penance to lord Shiva and he granted her the boon or curse which Aanyati called it. The previous incidents of how Kunti gave such order unknowingly was also revealed.

Drupad finally stood up remembering his duties. He looked helpless in every sense but still he wanted to play strong for his children.

" Putri Draksha!, welcome them with aarti. " He ordered. Aanyati looked at her father in disbelief. But the way everyone was silent even Draupadi, she concluded that everyone had already accepted the faith. Draupadi who stood their silent was the proof.

Soon another thal was arranged. Aanyati welcomed them one by one. She put tika on everyone's face and stared a little too much on Yudhishthir who didn't dare to meet her gaze.

Everyone was taken inside for freshing up and for other rituals. A letter was sent to Hastinapur as well. Aanyati had dragged Draupadi with herself to her chamber.

" Draupadi" Aanyati's voice was weak. It didn't take Draupadi another second to break down. Her legs gave up as she fell on the ground. Some tears escaped Aanyati's eyes as well but she holded on the strong self.

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