A wicked plan

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" Yudhisthir, who was that princess?" Asked an impressed Vishwajeet.

A proud smile hanged on Yudhishthir's face saying " she is Panchal Kumari Panchali"

Vishwa being a keen observer didn't miss this change in his inhumane friend. A smirk adored his face as he did the calculations.

" She indeed is something" Duryodhan's words made both friends turn toward him. Duryodhan looked at them in confusion.

" What" he asked with a confused face. Both the friends shook there head in no at once. Duryodhan sighted at their behaviour and left.

" Shouldn't we be the one to sight at his remark" asked Vishwa. Yudhishthir noded while both walked to Yuyutsu who seemed lost somewhere.

Finally Aanyati sighted in relief leaning on the bed. It was a hectic day. The main coronation ceremony is still days apart. She scoffed at the show off Hastinapur is doing of their wealth. No doubt her Kampalia is much more wealthy because of being the center of trade but they never did such thing.

" Moti, can you bring me some fresh Daisy. I want to cool my mind"

" Your whole body shouts Daisy Vriti" Moti chuckled leaving her chamber to bring those daisies.

But as she removed the last curtain to exit the chamber, a man appeared in front of her startling her.

" Woho, you scared me" she placed a hand on her heart.

" I am sorry for startling you Devi" this voice made Moti snap her head up to look at the person

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" I am sorry for startling you Devi" this voice made Moti snap her head up to look at the person. Her breathing which just became normal fastened again. God knows why.

Yuyutsu on the other hand gazed at her face with something unexplainable in his eyes.

Their trance broke as Moti asked. " Any particular reason to come here Rajkumar" she once not downed het gaze or feared anything. Indeed Aanyati's sakhi she is.

" Yeah.. actually I wanted to meet Rajkumari" he stammered saying. Moti gestured him to come with her.

Aanyati who was standing in the balcony turned to see Yuyutsu there.

" Woh Moti, I asked you to bring flowers not a prince. That's a different matter if you consider his beautiful as flower";she teased smirking. Moti turned red like a tomato while Yuyutsu tried to explain but he choked on his own words.

Aanyati laughed " look at you both, I was just joking"

Yuyutsu sighted in relief while Moti glared her friend with vivid anger.

" Anyways, any reason for such late arrival Rajkumar?" She asked

" I wanted to thank you Rajkumari, noone ever stood up for me, not even my own brothers but you did" he continued in his humble voice " I am glad to find a friend like you. Only if you consider me yours"

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