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Finally today was the main coronation ceremony, although the functions will end after four more days but Aanyati had no plans to stay in Hastinapur. Her main motive of coming was to show that their attack had no effect of them which she showed too.

Beside this, she made many new friends here. Rajkumari Devika of Shivi, Valahandra and Bhanumati of Kashi , Chitrangadha of Manipur, Karenumati of Chedi, Vijaya of Vijaynagar and the Kuru Princess Dushala.

Even the Pandavas were trying to patch up with her but she neither forget anything nor forgive anyone.

Drown in her thoughts, she was standing at the balcony of rajya sabha along with other people clad in yellow dhoti type saree and dark blue veil. Although the function was for Yudhisthir but she seemed the centre of attraction to many.

Her gaze travelled throughout the sabha observing everything. But then she saw the younger four Pandavas staring at her with shock .Maybe. That's what she thought.

" Moti, is there something on my face?" She asked being confused of their gaze.

" Yes there is, beauty" Moti answered giggling with other princesses. Aanyati rolled her eyes at her answer. But then her eyes fell on the man who had seen her and Yudhisthir yesterday ( Vishwajeet) . He just came beside them with a smirk.

Now it all made sense. Aanyati mouth hung open knowing the reason of their stare. She looked anywhere but not them.

A small wish crept in her mind, to kill this man drapped in blue clothes for revealing all this. He is strange, she thought. First he was looking at them in Yudhishthir's bedroom wide eyed and was saying, I saw nothing. Now he told all this to his brothers as well.

Aanyati decided that she will be ignoring all four pandavas the way she ignored Yudhisthir after that incident. She was sure, she gave enough reason to him to make fun of her.

Finally the coronation ceremony ended as Maharaj Dhritarashtr crowned Yudhisthir as Yuvraj. Flowers were showered on Yudhishthir from every direction. Even Aanyati threw flowers at his with all her will which actually hit him at his face a bit hard. He turned to see who did this but Aanyati turned her gaze showing she payed no attention.

She hated his always calm look

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She hated his always calm look. Like she will be telling him that someone died and he still will have such calm look on his face.

Aanyati was moving from the large magnificent walls of Hastinapur's palace when she heard some soft sobs. She again stopped to see what's going on.

After reaching a certain chamber, she saw Rajmata Kunti crying holding a cloth.

In these days, she never saw her like this. Kunti' s face always had smile on it. But today Aanyati saw how broken she is.

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