Krishna/ Vijaya

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Before their laughter could die, one of them was lying unconscious on ground.

All the royals and commeners who accompanied them sat enjoying the game going on. Draupadi held a proud look on her face just like Yudhisthir.

The goons looked at each other in confusion. Their confusion vanished the moment Aanyati jumped in front of them with a sword. Her face holding a smirk. She looked more beautiful without all those ornaments. Her veil flying behind her back.

One of the goon charged upon her thinking what all can a woman do. But his thinking changed when he was met with a strong attack from her sword. His sword flew into the air making him more scared. Aanyati instead of killing him made him unconscious.

She did the same with other goons who came to attack on her . The only person left now was that dasi who looked scared to no end.

" What are you waiting for Gopala? Stop her" she shouted at a horse?? Aanyati looked at her in confusion. At that moment a man appeared from behind the horses. Aanyati made herself ready for another attack but her steps halted when that man came face to face with her.

" Sakha!!?!?"

" How are you sakhi?" Krishna asked smiling cheekily. He was drapped in the clothes of a commener.

All the conscious people looked confused of what's happening

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All the conscious people looked confused of what's happening.

" What are you doing here sakha that too like this?" Aanyati asked the question everyone had in their mind.

Krishna made a sad face before saying " what should I tell you sakhi? I was just coming back from Madra when they found me. They robbed all my ornaments and made me a member of their team. Me being a helpless man had to accept their every order"

Aanyati looked at him with a raised eye brow and a look which meant ' nice story but I won't believe this' .

Others looked at him in amusement. The great dwarkadhish Vasudev krishn got robbed and forced??

Then there was that dasi who was sweating in fear.

" Don't you think we should forgive her sakhi?" Krishna said sensing Aanyati's deadly gaze on that dasi. Aanyati looked at him in surprise.

" Seriously sakha?? She tried to harm my whole family and you are saying this " Aanyati asked.

" We should not conclude anything without understanding the intentions of someone sakhi! Who knows what one has gone through?" Krishna's voice carried a hidden meaning which didn't go unnotice by Aanyati.

She looked at that little girl with something unexplainable.

" You are hired as an official maid for Indrprast. What's your name?" Aanyati asked in a cold voice. That girl was smiling ear to ear.

" Vijaya "

" Vijaya "

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