truth is out

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Govind entered inside dinning hall astonished. Hundreds of dishes were lying on the table. Their fragrance is enough to make someone hungry. From sweet dish to two pots full of Makhan were lying there ready to be eaten. Aanyati stood there with a contended smile.

" Sakhi, what is all this ? How will this poor soul finish all the food?" Asked Krishna already placing a hand on his stomach.

Aanyati chuckled on her sakha's antics. " Sakha, I have made this food with immense love and I will not accept a single dish left on this table. " She warned and Krishna gulped in fear.

He sat with a fearful look. Meanwhile Yudhishthir who was standing afar was far more ready to finish all the food. He had seen her making food for Maharaj and that very food's fragrance is enough to make him crave for them. But he knows his limits. He can't simply have this delight.

Krishna who understood his situation immediately said " Sakhi, I don't want anyone to look at me with jealousy only because I can have this food made by you" stated Krishna with a sad face.

Aanyati understood his meaning. " Rakshak mahoday come here and have food with Govind " she called finally finding the right time to execute her plan.

" I can't Rajkumari. A servant is not allowed to eat with king . It's forbaded" he refused in his calm voice but Aanyati grew angry.

" What is this servant and king? We all are humans at first.No one is born a king or servant. Just come here and eat " she said in a stern voice. Although Yudhisthir wanted to have this delicious food but he can't forget his limits. He again opened his mouth to protest but

" It's my order not a request " declared Aanyati. He finally sat there loosing against her.but  this was the first time he was happy for being lost.

He took the first bite. To be honest this was the most delicious food he even had after his mother's food. Aanyati's love was visible in the way that food tasted. His taste buds danced in joy after having such delicious food.

Krishna bit back a smile looking at his jyest being lost in the tasty food. He too got indulged in his makhan.

" Sakha, should I follow Dharma or not?" Aanyati asked intentionally playing innocently.

" Why asking me sakhi? I heard Yom mahoday claims to never commit any adharm, ask him" Krishna backed off the matter just the way Aanyati wanted. She bit back her smirk and turned to Yudhisthir.

" Ofcourse you should follow Dharma Rajkumari. It is the very basis of life" he answered with his bewitching smile.

" I think we should believe in karma more than Dharma, if there wasn't karm, dharm would not have got shape" argued Aanyati

" I agree Rajkumari but if Dharm was not there karm would never have got any
shape. " Aanyati was now having no doubts in her mind. Her face held a gloomy look.

" Rakshak mahoday, go to your brothers after this. You must spend time with them as well " ordered Aanyati getting out. Yudhishthir although confused concentrated on food. He had accepted the fact that no one can understand this princess. Meanwhile Krishna smiled in himself.

" Jyest be ready, you might face trouble " he warned.

" For me this princess is the biggest trouble Vasudev " he smiled having the delightful food. Indeed the food feels like Amrit.

" Jyest, why this sudden meet?" asked Arjun sitting beside his brothers outside the palace near jungle.

The sky was engulfed by darkness. All the brothers were sitting around fire laughing and talking. Although most of their talks were about a particular person so that they can tease their jyest.

" Just felt like meeting you anuj. Beside Rajkumari herself allowed me to" answered Yudhisthir

" I see Rajkumari is really soft with you jyest" smirked Nakul. Everyone supressed their laughter while Yudhisthir made a straight face although the blood rushed to his cheeks involuntarily.

" Nakul, dare you tease my jyest.I can't see him trying this hard to not blush" laughed Bheem. Everyone again emerged into laughter although Sehdev's smile didn't last long.

Their gossip session ended when they heard the sound of anklets coming to them.

" Rajkumari" Yudhisthir immediately stood up and so did others.

Aanyati stood in front of them with a serious yet broken face.

" You should have ordered us to come Rajkumari, why came here at this hour?" Reasoned Arjun

" I might have, but ordering a prince don't come in a princess's right " she said looking at Yudhisthir's calm eyes.

Everyone became stiff and alert. Their secret is out. All looked at their jyest for his next order.

" I will not ask why, Rajkumar Yudhisthir " Aanyati went to him throwing fire from her eyes with calmness dripping from her face.
" I know you will not lie and tell me the truth. But that might damage your plan. You have saved my life and I am grateful to you. So I humbly request you to leave Panchal this instance " she said joining her hands paying respect. Her face still cold.

Yudhishthir felt a sudden pain in his heart. He knows he had broken her trust. But he can't do anything now. He looked at her eyes one last time. A tint of pain he saw and straightened his gaze.

" Rajkumari give us the chance to explain..." Bheem tried but was stopped by Aanyati.

" Do you think I demand any explanation from strangers" she said trying best to control her anger.

The word stranger felt like a dagger piercing his heart to Yudhisthir.

" Your brothers have already left this kingdom. So you should. Otherwise my patience will end" she said turning around. A lone tear escaped her eyes. She didn't turn around again and left controlling her sobs.

You ask why she was controlling her sobs or why was she even sobbing. She had no idea.

Yudhishthir left with his brothers and a burden on his heart. He was well aware of the fact that Aanyati had placed immense trust in him but he broke her trust. No one uttered a single word to him. He too was drowning in guilt to break the trust of most innocent soul present on this sinful mrityu lok .They all just left like that to their Gurukul.

Soon Aanyati reached her chamber. She inhaled a long breath controlling her tears.

"Cry your heart out sakhi, it will reduce your pain" came the soothing voice of her Sakha.

" Why should I cry for them sakha ? They meant nothing to me" she said in hoarse voice trying to control her tears. Her face twisting in pain.

" Sakhi, can you lie to yourself. Your heart knows so do I" he said placing his hands on her shoulders " come with me to Dwarka, that will divert your mind for sometime. There's a lot of people who are eager for your one glance"

Aanyati immediately wiped a traitor tear which escaped her eyes and noded her head smiling weakly " even I want to meet the people who tolerated you till now" she chuckled in her tears.

" Putri, are you sure you want to go alone. Swarnika can come with..." Drupad argued but Aanyati cut him in between

" I am taking Moti with me pita shri her shadow is with me. Beside maa is needed here otherwise you will again fall sick in my absence" smiled Aanyati assuring her father. He embrassed Aanyati for a little longer and then let her go. She climbed her sakha' s chariot and rode away with him.

" Trust me Satyajeet, letting your daughter go away is the biggest pain one can feel. God knows how will I marry her off" sighted Drupad going in. Swarnika watched her both daughters go away with teary eyes....

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