First meet

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" Jyest, why are we going over this side" asked Nakul.

" There's a temple here Nakul, it's good to take god's blessings before starting of new work" replied Yudhisthir in his humble voice

They soon entered the boundary of temple. To their surprise the whole temple was filled with joy.

" Listen, why everyone is so happy" Bheem asked a running child.

" Our princess has come to the temple, that's why" answered the kid and again ran away.

" Princess" Nakul's face lit up

" Finally Nakul will see the unimaginable beauty" joked Arjun

" I am not going to fall for her outer beauty jyest. It's just fascinating to see Panchal kanya. I heard she had gone to Gurukul as well" said Nakul

" Gurukul and girls, no way" laughed Bheem.

" Anujo, we have came here to take god's blessings and not to chat about any princess" Yudhisthir said a bit sternly as they climbed the temple's stairs.

Yudhishthir had no interest in anything else right now. He just wanted to relax his mind who was busy in thinking about right and wrong. He marched toward the idol but froze in mid way.

There stood the princess of Panchal with her beauty.

' That poet did no justice to her beauty ' this was the first thought that came to his mind.

Indeed her hairs are dark like night but they have some shiny golden browns strands in them.

No doubt her eyes engulf fire but there's peace and calmness hidden behind that fire.

Her lips are not red, they are pink just like lotus.

Her face don't have the colour of desert's sand, it's the sand found on sea beds.

Her face is having a small mole at the end of right eyebrow, as if God himself was scared of this beautiful creation and gave her  protection.

Those ornaments are not shining on her body. Her body is shining on those ornaments.

That white saree she is wearing is the symbol of her divine self.

That cresent moon red tika with a small dot in it shows how balanced she is

Yudhishthir for the first time was lost in someone so much.

Aanyati's state was no less. The man standing in front of her had caged her in his eyes.

His eyes glowed with truthfulness. Those brown orbs shined with Dharma.

His complexion was of gold. His face had the calmness Aanyati search for in forest.

For once she felt her every question, every query found its answer in him. He is the one who can satisfy her questions.

His chest was covered with a silver armour. His hands had a spear ( bhala) . He is a warrior with immense knowledge. She thought.

She was lost in his eyes, rooted on her place. So was he . Both lost the count of time and people around them.

Aanyati's trance was broken by Moti who shook her hard.

" Where have you lost? Come now" she dragged Aanyati with her. She glanced one last time at him and left.

Yudhishthir also came out of his thoughts. This is wrong. She is just like other arrogant princess who is greatly proud of her beauty. He buried his thoughts within him.

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