Swayamvar begins

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A large open ground was decorated with all accessories to perform the swayamvar. All the kings and princes were sitting on their respective thrones waiting for the swayamvara Draupadi.

Announcement started with the arrival to Maharaj Drupad, Yuvraj Dhridstdhumn, Rajkumari Shrikhandini and Vasudev Krishn. Then Aanyati arrived with her gaze straight and face held up. She could hear faint whispers from the kings gathered.

I would propose her after winning her sister.

Maharaj should have organised her swayamvar too.

She will increase the beauty of my chamber.

She carefully registered the faces who mumbled such statements and took her seat beside Drupad.

In the middle was the largest throne for Drupad. Shrikhandini and Aanyati sitting on either side. Then in their front at a lower level were placed three more thrones for Dhridstdhumn, Draupadi and Vasudev respectively.

Finally the announcement took place and Draupadi arrived in the same way her sister did. She didn't showed even a tint of nervousness. She prayed to the divine bow and then took her seat between Vasudev and Dhridstdhumn.

Dhridstdhumn explained the whole competition to everyone after which kings started trying their luck.

One by one a lot of people came and then returned empty handed. Now it was the turn of Yuvraj Duryodhan.

" My mitr Karn will participate on my behalf" he announced proudly. Aanyati didn't hide the disgust she felt on him. Draupadi too looked uncomfortable. Fortunately Dhridstdhumn stepped in.

" This competition is for my sister's husband Yuvraj. She wants to choose someone on behalf of his own strength not on someone else's strength " Dhridstdhumn's voice echoed in the whole place. Duryodhan grunted his teeth.

" If this is the rule then mitr Karn will participate for himself and will win your daughter Panchal raj " he announced to avenge his insult. Karna looked rather confused but then he stepped in to participate.

Aanyati could see how restless Draupadi is. She prayed for some miracle to happen. She saw Vasudev whispering something to Draupadi which washed her face with relief.

As Angraj was about to shoot the arrow, Draupadi's fierce voice echoed

" Stop!! , I will not marry a sutputra "

Aanyati at this instance wanted to scold her badly. She could have given any other reason but no she insulted him on his birth status.

Dead silence engulfed the whole place. No one dared to utter a single word. Angraj's sharp gaze travelled to Aanyati instead of Draupadi. Suddenly the heat rose making it difficult for anyone to even open their eyes. But the fire borns and karna stood firm.

People started questioning Draupadi's characters. No one was able to win and that meant the swayamvar is worthless.

" Maharaj Drupad!! I ask you, what kind of ethics you have taught your daughter that she is judging me on the basis of my caste. I am capable of winning her by the bet of swayamvar. Your son remarked that she wants to marry a worthy man then why this insult is being delievered to me?" Karna heavy voice resulted in some kings finching.

Aanyati was not able to tolerate now. Her sister was questioned by everyone. And she was not even replying instead stood rooted with a worried face.

" It's a swayamvar Angraj, the bride is having the right to choose her groom. If she don't wish to marry you, she can deny " answered Aanyati which just resulted in an increase of the heat. It felt like Surya Dev himself wants to avenge Karna's insult.

" Fine!! Now let us see who marries this manner less daughter of yours by fulfilling this bet" Duryodhan challanged.

Drupad looked worried. Kshatriyas from all over the Aryavrat were present here but no one could fullfill the task. He was worried for his daughter.

" Maharaj" Krishna's voiced made him come out of his trance" open the competition for all"

Drupad did what was told immediately. All he wanted was his daughter's good.

Aanyati's gaze travelled throughout the place to find Arjun. Then her eyes landed on five Brahmins standing at a distance. She knew they are pandavas and sighted in relief.

After a while one of them came forward taking other's blessings. Gasps could be heard throughout the place seeing a Brahmin coming forward.

Draupadi's face lit up. That Brahmin finally picked up the bow and shooted the arrow. Whole Panchal family sighted in relief. Draupadi get down with a garland of lotus. She placed in on that Brahmin's neck. But instead of cheering, abusing started.

" What are you all looking at? A Brahmin is taking away the princess in our presence, how can we let this happen?" A king shouted. Others too took out their weapons to stop him. Duryodhan and Shakuni seemed shocked along with Angraj.

Before any king could reach to Arjun , a huge man came and stood in front of them. He literally created a crack by his stomping of foot.

Drupad and Krishna handled the rest of matter. Soon most of the kings returned back with a grave look.

Arjun and Draupadi came forward to bid farewell.

" Brahmin devta, please return soon with your mother. We are eagerly waiting for you" Drupad said.

Dhridstdhumn looked at Arjun with a unhappy look. Subhadra pushed him from behind .

" Behna, return soon and inform me if anything wrong happens" he said the last part looking at Arjun.

Shrikhandini, Swarnika and Subhadra met Draupadi one by one.

" You finally got what you wanted and I hope he knows how to value what he got" said Aanyati.

" Dare to hurt my sister and I will fill your mouth with the arrows of your bow " she almost whispered so that only draupadi and Arjun could listen who smiled slightly.

After a while they left to meet their mother. Aanyati was feeling a mix of emotions. She was washed with relief finding all of them alive with their mother. But Krishna held a gloomy look which made her worry too.

She was ordered by Swarnika to prepare a thal for Aarti. Almost four hours had passed but they didn't come back. Drupad seemed impatient as he left with Dhridstdhumn and Krishna to bring them.

Aanyati just hoped for the best sitting in her balcony. Everything seemed fine but her heart was telling her something is going to happen, something inevitable that will change everything. She buried these thoughts aside and started the preparations for wedding. She herself wanted to make sure everything is all right or she just wanted to divert her mind.

The only thing which could calm her was those golden eyes but she will never admit that. After Draupadi garlanded Arjun she could feel a gaze upon her. An intense gaze. She too wanted to see those golden brown orbs but resisted herself. She hardly wanted to drown in them finding peace because once she did so she would not be able to return back. His gaze removed once he saw no response.

Only if they know what was waiting for them....

Next chapter is full of surprises that's why I will cut this one here. Although you know one of it. You can guess the second one....

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