A Boon

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Today Drupad himself was practising with Aanyati in kridangan. Both Swarnika and Moti were enjoying this father daughter moment.

Moreover, Sehdev was present there healing some of the wounded soldiers, Nakul being the dwarpal travelled with Maharaj so he was also present there, so were Arjun and Bheem because soldiers were practising and Yudhishthir, if Aanyati is there then he have to be.

" Pita shri do you know my rakshak mahoday nevers lies" Aanyati smiles mischievously tackling her father's attack.

Drupad smiled. He knows about his daughter's constant teasing. He sometimes feel bad for him but can't do anything cause Aanyati is Aanyati.

Pandavas being present there were controlling there laughter as well. This Rajkumari have no idea that he actually never lies. They thought. Yudhishthir just maintained a straight face although he wanted to smile at this princess so badly.

" No talking during battle putri" Drupad ordered in his stern voice. Aanyati smiled and attacked on him, startling him.

" AANYATI..." someone shouted. Aanyati instantly recognised this voice and turned around. So did others hearing such a fierce voice .

" Jiji" she ran to hug her. Shrikhandini immediately engulfed her in her embarace.

" Priye, are you all right..did that Bhism forced you...did he harmed you my Agnotri" she asked checking upon Aanyati.

Panchali tried to calm her down.

" Jiji jiji, why would he harm me, I am all right " assured Aanyati

" Cause this is what he do Panchali, harms other for his own benifit " said the lady red in anger.

" Jiji, I can't understand what are you trying to say " admitted Aanyati. Drupad too sighted knowing it is the time to tell Aanyati about her jiji's past, Pandavas along with other soldiers also listened carefully wanting to know the reason of this haterated.

Shrikhandini was out for some days and when she came back she was furious. How the hell did Bhism entered her home but the feeling of fear for Aanyati was more than her anger so she directly came to her sister.

" I hope you have heard about the story of Kashi kanya Ambha" said Shrikhandini turning to the other direction.

Aanyati didn't know about her but she knew who will have every information.

She turned her head a bit toward Yudhisthir who understood her meaning.

" She burnt herself alive so that she can take revenge from Ganga putr in her next life " answered Yudhisthir without any emotions. Pandavas at first were shocked seeing their brother acting like a doll but they understand its his Dharm as Rajkumari's ang rakshak. Drupad doubted a bit on this man cause he have lot more knowledge than a soldier should have.

" Yes, she burnt herself alive cause she was not able to kill Bhism in that life but Bhism himself granted her the boon that he will not raise his weapons and will accept his death through her. " said Shrikhandini in vivid rage.

" Why narrating her story today jiji?" asked Aanyati being confused.

" Cause your jiji is none other that Ambha " said Drupad

All persons present there including Yudhisthir and Aanyati hung their mouth open in shock. They looked with clear respect toward Shrikhandini. Although pandavas become a bit hostile.

" I am sorry to interfere Maharaj but a sage has appeared on Panchal's gate and he is really furious. " informed a soldier.

" Sage and angry " whispered Drupad as he immediately went to the main gate. Aanyati too ran behind him along with all other person present there.

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