Welcome in Hastinapur

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After long debate in his head, Yudhisthir realised opening up to Arjun was not a really good idea. He has been teasing him since morning with Nakul and Sehdev. This reached to an extreme in the morning when his mothers called him for some work.

" Pranipat jyest mata, you called me?" He wished entering in his Mata's chamber . Kunti and his brother were also present there with a pile of rolled papers.

" Come putr Yudhishthir, see what I have brought for you. These are the pictures of almost every princess of Aryavrat" smiled Gandhari. Pandavas except Yudhishthir tried hard to control their laughter.

They started unrolling those papers and Yudhisthir started taking steps backward to be safe from this situation.

" You can't run away today bharata" smirked Dushala coming beside Yudhishthir and dragging him with his arm.

" Today jyest is struck " Sehdev smirked . Although Yudhisthir was panicking from inside but his face showed nothing. This is one of his quality everyone praises. He never shows what going in his heart or mind on his face. Some even compare him to Ganga putr for being like this.

Kunti and Gandhari started showing him pictures of different princess one by one. He just maintained a cold look saying nothing.

Then came a plain paper with no painting but a poetry. Pandavas immediately recognised who this princess is. Panchal is really protective of their princess, beside this poetry nothing about Panchali's looks is known.

" Mata, let me read this poetry for jyest " Arjun jumped in.

" But why poetry, why there's no portrait?" Dushala questioned

" Putri, Panchal is highly possessive of their princess. They hardly let her portrait go out of Panchal " Kunti answered.

Arjun started reading that poetry in a mischievous way, roaming around his jyest. His brothers also joined in. Kunti, Gandhari and Dushala laughed at their antics.

There stood in between Yudhisthir with an emotionless face while his brothers are moving in a circle around him, teasing him.

" How can someone be so beautiful?" Dushala argued" I think the poet was talking about any apasara." Dushala made a confused face. At this moment all the Pandav brothers turned to their jyest whose expressions changed although for a second but they changed.

" Even I wonder " said Kunti thinking deeply. No one is unaware of the princess who rejected Hastinapur's offer like it's casual.

" Anyways putr Yudhishthir, who was that girl Arjun was talking about when you all came?" Kunti asked suddenly. Yudhishthir's breath stopped. He knew even if he stays silent his brothers will blabber out.

" Let me tell you mata " Arjun said proudly. All the people sitting there listened eagerly.
" Aan....."

" Pranipat maharani, maha mahim had ordered everyone to be present at the main gate. Guests had started coming " a guard intrupted. At this moment Yudhisthir wanted to give this guard a tight hug to show his gratitude. He saved him from a disaster.

He finally sighted in relief and was the first one to run out of the chamber.

He sometimes wonder how different his huge family is. Maharani aka Gandhari is totally opposite of Maharaj. Yudhishthir knows Dhridrashtr hold grudges from them but Gandhari don't. She is the sweetest soul alive like his mother Kunti. So is Dushala, being the only princess among 106 princes, she is being pampered all the time by everyone.

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