Karn's experience

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Admist the darkness of night, Karna woke up before Surya Dev to start his day. He took a bath and was going to the practice area. Knowing there will be no one, he was relaxed. Staying in Indrprast was a difficult test in itself. You are always surrounded by someone. Even if you try to be alone someone pushes you into water.

He reached the kridangan just to find someone already practising. Looking at the perfection through which those arrows were shooted, Karna knew who this archer is.

" Pranipat maharathi Karna" Arjun shouted finding him standing at the balcony. Karna moved down to talk face to face.

" Pranipat pandu kumar. " He wished.

" I hope you wouldn't mind practising with me" Arjun said taking his position to shoot an arrow.

" There isn't any reason " Karna replied taking position to shoot the arrow at a moving target. Both shooted the arrow at the same time. Both hit the target too. But none of them seemed happier.

" Amazing both of you" Aanyati's voice made them turn around.

" Bhabhi shri you are late " Arjun smiled. From the moment everything settled in Indrprast, Aanyati requested Arjun to teach her archery. Arjun demanded for learning sword battle from her. From that day both used to teach each other.

" I was bringing something for you " she said showing a little box. Arjun's face lit up. Karna stared at them in amusement. Arjun ran to Aanyati and took the box from her.

" Is it that sweet" Aanyati noded which made Arjun smile ear to ear. He opened the box to find the coconut barfi. He took one bite and moaned in satisfaction. Some months ago, Arjun travelled to south and brought coconut from there. Aanyati experimented on it along with Bheem and made this sweet.

" But where did you got coconut from?" He asked taking another bite.

" My friend Kashi Kumari Valahandra send them" she answered picking up her bow from a table nearby. She gestured something from her eyes to Arjun who seemed hesitant and uncertain but after a while forwaded the sweet to Karna who looked amused.

" You can eat it maharathi, I haven't mixed poison yet" Arjun smirked when karna didn't pick it up. Aanyati hit him playfully before herself insisting.

" Please have it Radhey"

Karna was a bit hesitant but then he finally took it. He will not admit it but that sweet was the best thing he ever ate. He had heard people calling Aanyati annapurna but never tasted the food made by her. She indeed makes delicious food.

" Let's start the practice" Arjun said to Aanyati who noded and took the position to throw arrow. Arjun threw a disc in the air as target and Aanyati hit it. Although not perfectly but it hit the target. After practising archery for a while, they moved to sword fighting. Karna watched them slightly confused. He inspected Aanyati's arrows which were not perfect but good.

She might be learning basics from Arjun. He thought but his thoughts shattered when the sword battle between Arjun and Aanyati started. Arjun was not able to match Aanyati's speed. Karna was amused, shocked, surprised, impressed all at once.

She used the sword like it's her own body part. Karna remembered Anujayeti. She was just like this.

After practising for a while, everyone went for their respective works one by one.

At breakfast everyone met in one room. Karna who had skipped yesterday's meal entered there for the first time and was surprised to find all male and female sitting together to eat, laughing, enjoying the food.

Kunti gestured him to sit down. He for once was hesitant. He once tried to sit with the royal family of Hastinapur for food but the displeased look they gave to him made him realise he isn't welcomed. Only Duryodhan supported him. He sat looking at this strange family. Everyone was so open minded. His game of thoughts broke when he took the first bite of food. He had to admit to himself. This food was heavenly. His taste buds were pleased by the taste. He could not bring himself to think anything then the food.

" Seems like bhabhi shri's food is doing it's magic" Nakul joked looking at Karna who straightened his face immediately.

" Offcourse Nakul there is a reason why your jyest married her" Vishwa smirked teasing Yudhisthir who payed no attention to him as he was busy enjoying the delicious food.

" You will enjoy Rajeshwari bhabhi's hand food soon too bhrata Vishwa " Arjun commented. Rajeshwari blushed looking down.

" Yes, I have tasted it. She is delicious " Draupadi smiled but that made Karna choke on his food. Everyone stared at Draupadi and Rajeshwari wide eyed. Yudhishthir forwarded water to Karna who gulped it in one short looking at Draupadi.

" I mean the food " Draupadi cleared her meaning which made everyone sight. Karna looked surprised. These people are just unimaginable. It's good only Draupadi said so. He can't even imagine his own reaction if any male would have said so. He shrugged on the thought only and concentrated on the delicious food.

Although everyone was laughing and enjoying but Bheem wasn't. It didn't get unnoticed by anyone. Karna knew he is not happy by his presence at first only but no one talked about it.

" Bheem!! Do you know Arjun have that coconut barfi still hidden in his room" Aanyati tried to involve him in too.

" I might seem like hungry for sweets bhabhi shri but I am not a kid whose mind you can divert this easily" Bheem replied seriously. The smile faded from everyone's face. But then he added " that's a different matter that I will turn his room up side down searching for those sweets. Afterall I am it's inventor"

Their smile came back but this time it was forced on much faces. Aanyati had guessed it earlier only that Bheem hold grudges for longer than any of his brothers. Sehdev and Yudhisthir hardly even hold grudges, Nakul and Arjun hides it well but Bheem don't. He just says what he feels. This is one of his quality that Aanyati admirer and fear.

" Bhabhi shri!! I want to visit the market of Indrprast please " Devika pleaded looking at Aanyati who was instructing the maids to do something.

" Ok but don't go alone. Take some maids and guards with you " Aanyati said and got busy with maids again. Devika noded but went alone. She had some points for her defence. She heard from Yudhisthir how Aanyati used to travel into the forest all alone back in Panchal so she just went alone too .

She roamed through the beautiful market of Indrprast capturing it's beauty in her eyes. She didn't even realised when she reached out of the boundary of Indrprast. It was only after she saw stalls vanishing that she realised she is lost.

She turned around to go back and knew at that very moment that she forgot her way. Sweat started forming on her head with fear. The sun was about to set and she can't stay here like this. She roamed here and there in search of exact way only to return at the same spot again.

Her fear rose even more when she felt someone's eyes on her. She regretted coming alone. How can she compare herself with Parshuram shishya. She picked up a stick which was lying nearby to protect herself. But of no use. Before she even could understand anything, a pin pierced her skin making her unconscious.

Karna was on his return journey to Hastinapur. He couldn't bring himself to stay at that place for more given Bheem's words. He don't blame him for that. Even he himself would not have tolerated the person who is his enemy to sit and eat with him. So he left taking Kunti's permission. She wished him to stay more but he was reluctant. At last she let him go.

He was surprised finding Aanyati and Nakul at the main gate to bid him goodbye. But his surprise vanished when Nakul cleared they are here for the farewell of Indrprast's guest. No matter who that is.

He exited the boundary of Indrprast and entered the forest. His steps stopped when he saw Devika fainting down at some distance. In a while almost sixty people surrounded her and took her somewhere. Karna followed them silently only to see Devika's well being. No matter how she behaves, she is a human whom he know and these people don't seem to have any good intentions.

His whole body froze on what he saw after reaching their base camp.....

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