2 months

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Days were passing in immense bliss for both Yudhisthir and Aanyati. Both were contended from what they are getting.

Aanyati would intentionally tease her rakshak mahoday anytime. She knows that whenever she will be out of her chamber he will follow her so she intentionally spend most of her time outside her chamber so that he will be with her and she can tease him.

In these days, she learnt a lot about him, like he actually never lies neither he do any adharm but she was still testing him in her own way. She would intentionally create such situations that result in him lieing but he never lies.

Her day would start with going to temple and praying, then talking to almost everyone she found on her way back, preparing breakfast for her father by her own hands, listening to the discussion going on in sabha, again preparing lunch for her father, practising sword battle in kridangan, talking to every minister present in sabha and learning from them, gossiping with her sakhi in the garden or her chamber and then going to sleep after preparing dinner for Maharaj by herself. Her day would not end here. After getting a sleep of 3-4 hours she would wake up and head toward the jungle. Yudhishthir would always accompany her.

Yudhishthir himself was happy with his small fake life. He learnt a lot about Rajkumari. She would be all childish at once, playing with others or teasing him and then would become mature enough to handle the political matters of Panchal all alone. He is aware of her intentional teasing time to time but he too enjoys them. She is so curious that she would learn even from a donkey. One day she was praising donkey for his always calm nature. Yudhishthir for once was shocked and laughing at her but then he himself understood what she meant. He himself learns a lot from her.

He still remembers the conversation he had with her. She would happily get involved in healty conversation with him and ask a lot of questions. She would not feel any shame in solving her query. She is always learning.

One more thing he got to know about her is her valour and technique of yuddhkala. She indeed is best in sword battle. She once cut every arrow thrown on her with her sword while her eyes were closed. Yudhishthir was too shocked at that moment to even react.

She is always enjoying in her surrounding. But the best part comes when any marriage proposal comes for her. Due to that poet her beauty is now the hot topic for whole Aryavrat. Many kings would send her marriage proposal from time to time. Yudhishthir would always enjoy her excuses for not getting married. Even Maharaj enjoys them. One such incident Yudhisthir still remembers when Chedi naresh himself came to present the proposal

Aanyati just came out of her palace and was heading toward her garden when a maid approached her.

" Pranipat Rajkumari"

Aanyati immediately became furious " who is it now?" she asked

" Chedi naresh Sishupal" came the voice of Shisupal himself.

Aanyati turned to encounter him and so did her sakhi along with Yudhisthir.

Aanyati was more than furious now. How dare he enter her palace without her permission?

" Pranipat jagat sundari " he wished gazing her from up to down. Everyone present there could see this easily. Aanyati too was fuming with anger.

But she did the unthinkable. She came forward and wished him

" Pranipat Chedi naresh " she said herself eyeing him from up and down the same way he did.

Only Yudhisthir and Moti know how they controlled their laughter at that moment. Shishupal looked so angry and red with embarrassment that he himself left from there.

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