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Yudhishthir now was in great dilemma. After the kala pradarshan, Arjun had found a strong enemy in karna. That don't felt shocking to him. Nothing happens without trouble in Hastinapur.

Be it be pita mah's vow, maharani's sacrifice, their father's unusual birth or this new trouble. Yudhishthir never wanted the throne but he understand his elders worry and so is ready to do anything for them.

As everyone assumed he is going to be the Yuvraj another dispute between him and his cousins broke in. At that moment he just wanted to give the throne to Duryodhan happily but again the thought of his pita ma stopped him.

To solve this dispute guru Drone jumped in asking for his Guru dakshina. Yudhishthir just like his brothers was more than willing to give guru dakshina but his demand again put Yudhisthir in dilemma. Now he understood the reason of him sending them to Panchal.

The war is already decided. The day after tomorrow it will start. Yudhishthir have no reason to worry about winning. He is sure, he will but the thoughts of a particular person is clouding his mind.

He had broken her trust once and knows that will not be regained easily and after this war he is sure nothing will remain.

Even Maharaj Dhritarashtr was more than willing for this war, maybe because of Panchali's rejection. Pita ma too can't protest against guru dakshina. But the lines of worry were visible on his face clearly. He too don't wish to wage a war against Panchal maybe because of his wish to get a kulvadhu from there.

" Putr"

Yudhishthir turned around to encounter his pita ma. Due to his inner turmoil he was standing in the high common balcony of the royal palace when Gangaputr approached him.

" Pranipat pita mah"

" Kalyan ho putr" he blessed standing beside his distressed grandson. " I can't solve your trouble putr but I can assure that everything happens for good. Don't think you can hide anything from these experienced eyes of mine. I saw all your brothers in Panchal that day and knew this day will come"

Yudhishthir looked at his pita ma in surprise. He knew everything. How big of a fool he was to think he can hide from his pita ma. He thought.

" Pita ma, was spying on Panchal before war right?" He asked trying to ease his mind

" You just followed your guru's order putr who knew that defeating Drupad is not an easy task. That's why he send you all there to learn his skills. He did what he wanted and following his order is your Dharma" Bhism tried to ease his grandson's conflicting mind.

" And beside all these, I came to ask you something. Was Arjun true when he said about you finding a bride?" Bhism's stern eyes now sparkled with mischief. Yudhishthir felt it too out of character for his pita mah.

" Don't take their words seriously pita ma, they just blabber anything. Beside I trust your choice more than mine " Yudhisthir smiled saying. Bhism too sighted looking at the night sky with his grandson.

" Jiji, won't you even talk to me?" Pouted Aanyati at her Rukmini jiji.

" Swami tell this princess that I will not talk to her at all " Rukmini maintained a tough face although her heart was melting at the sight of Aanyati.

Krishna smiled" finally I will get my place back in my home now " Aanyati threw him an angry glare.

" Seriously jiji, please stay for some more time na " pleaded Subhadra to Aanyati.

" I too wish to Bhadra but pita shri is warning me to come back. Narayan knows how much time it will take to please him " said Aanyati in a worry full tone

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