Mayavi Van -2

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Yudhishthir had managed to ignite a small fire to keep themselves warn. Knowing that Aanyati's clothes are still wet he did this work in no time. Aanyati just sat there looking at him.

For her, he is like dharm, complicated and hard to believe. The way she is searching for a proper definition of Dharma, she also yearns to know him but he hardly shares anything about himself. From every conversation they had, she knew he is true to his Dharma but again the same question jumps in.

What is Dharma?

" You said you never lie. " Aanyati began. Yudhishthir too sat across the fire listening to her curious questions. " Then why did you told that Brahmin that your father died when you were young?"

" Because it's the truth Rajkumari. My father died when I was young. Since then my mother and brothers are my everything" he answered. Aanyati was looking for a hint of sadness in his voice but there wasn't. Yudhishthir as if understood her confusion continued

" There's no benifit of mourning over past Rajkumari, people ofter keep wondering about future or mourning about past. If you start living in present, you yourself become happy " he said with the same calmness which feels really comforting. Aanyati was really confused about his character. He is powerful like a kshtriya and knowledgeable like a Brahmin. She have millions of questions in her mind which she wants to ask but is afraid if his answers can do justice to those questions.

In this time, she didn't even realise that she was constantly staring at him. He knew she is lost in her thoughts so he continued adding small wood pieces to fire. Only he knew how good that gaze felt to him.

Aanyati's tranc broke with the sound of someone roaring came. Yudhishthir became attentive and stood in front of her.

Who will tell him she is the student of Bhagwan Parshuram himself?

Aanyati's gaze travelled throughout the area.

" I can't believe this" came a heavy voice. Both turned toward the source of that voice. There stood a demon himself. His size was the proof of him being a demon.

" Oh great warrior don't shield her from my eyes. Let my eyes be blessed by her beauty" he laughed. Yudhishthir didn't even move. Aanyati felt disgusted and remained behind him. That demon through his powers appeared behind Aanyati.

" Such beauty is hard to find" he praised. Yudhishthir came forward again. But he is a magical demon.

" Her face, it shines like the moon, no chandrdev too have scars on him but her face is so flawless. " He inhaled sharply " this fragrance it's mesmerising. Her curves, her hips, her breasts, everything is perfect. She is what beauty is " he gazed upon her. His lustful eyes scanning her body.

" Oh you don't want to come to me, don't worry, I will change myself for you jagat sundari. " Saying that he transformed into a young handsome man with sword on his waist. He started moving forward toward Aanyati whereas Yudhishthir holded his spear tightly ready to attack.

Yudhishthir for once just blinked his eyes and the very next moment that demon was lying headless on ground. He was too surprised to digest what just happened. He turned around to look for Aanyati. His breath stopped for once. He felt as if Devi Kali is standing in front of him.

Aanyati was holding on that demon's sword in one hand and his head in other by his hairs. Her white saree had drops of blood all over it. So were on her face. Her chest was heaving up and down while her eyes spitted fire.

Next few moments passed in complete silence. Then Aanyati left the sword and his head. She immediately turned around covering her chest with her hands.She realised her clothes are not dry yet and are stick to her body like second skin. Yudhishthir too came out of his tranc and observed the situation.

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