Yudhishthir's realisation??

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"What is all this going on Maharaj? " An angry yet confused Satyajeet asked his king who was sitting on the couch in his room.
" You have called more than 50 Brahmins just for a shanti yagna? I can't believe this"

" I haven't Satyajeet, they aren't here for Shanti yagna. " said Drupad calmly. Satyajeet understood Drupad's intentions completely. The Drupad he once knew decades ago was back. In these years, for the first time he saw a glint of revenge in his eyes.

It is true that after Aanyati's birth, Drupad changed drastically yet magnificently. He was no longer the arrogant king, he was now a loving father who just cared about his daughter whether Shrikhandini or Aanyati. But now he was back. Drupad had already broke Shrikhandini's heart by calling her a abla weak woman. She just for Aanyati is playing strong. So that her little sister don't see this side of Drupad.

" I know I am no one to protest Maharaj but can I ask why? Why this sudden wish to have a son had crept in you? For what I know, Aanyati is more than capable. She can easily surpass many big kings, so is Shrikhandini" argued Satyajeet.

" Don't even talk about Shrikhandini, she is weaker than a mere soldier. And my Draksha is born for a bigger purpose. Her destiny is pre written. I can't interfere in it, neither I am having any right to ask her to bring me Drone's head" fired back Drupad.

He had started preparing for one of the biggest known yagna to get a son who can behead Drone and a daughter who can destroy Arjun's life by marrying him. He don't want to get Aanyati married for Krishna had already told him, Aanyati is not meant for Arjun. God knows why but this idea was seeded in his mind by Krishna only.

His letter to Drupad mentioned it clearly.

Panchal Raj

I got the news of war. It's hard to accept the fact that you lost. I suggest you to train such a warrior who can kill Bharadwaj putr when time comes. If you want you can take revenge from Arjun as well who defeated you. You ask how? Thats for you to find. And as Agni dev said, don't try to indulge Aanyati in all this. She should be prepared for a greater purpose. I suggest you to perform yagna to please Agni dev for this.

It might take time but the result will be fruitful, I assure you.

Your well wisher
Vasudev Krishn...

It is not a hidden fact that Vasudev is divine himself. Only he knows why he put this seed of revenge in Drupad's mind. Drupad followed his advice immediately by calling every known Brahmin to perform this yagna.

But in all this he don't want to sadden Aanyati at all. She might get sad thinking her father wish for a son and daughter. She might blame herself for not doing anything. So he had already told her to visit her Nanihal. In the mean time he can perform the yagna .

His castle of thoughts broke when a das entered in. " Pranipat Maharaj, there's a invitation letter from Kuru kingdom " he left handing Satyajeet the letter.

" What do they even want to prove? They are inviting us for their Yuvraj Abhishek " informed Satyajeet with a displeased look.

Drupad groaned in frustration. This kingdom is one of the reason for this state of his. " No one will go from Kampalia " he announced in his stern eyes.

" Why pita shri?" came the voice of Drupad's heart, his daughter. Satyajeet saw the angry stiff Drupad melting in her presence.

This is the effect of daughters. He thought.

" I think we should go. They will consider our denial as a symbol of fear. I want to show them, Kampalia isn't weak at all " said Aanyati her eyes burning just by the thought of the Yuvraj.

" Do you wish to visit putri?" Drupad asked not being able to say no to his Draksha.

" If not anyone else then I myself will go. Let me show them how strong Kampalia is" her voice showed the rage she hold for Hastinapur. " I will leave for Nanihal from there only"

" As you wish my Draksha" Drupad kissed her forehead letting her go.

Aanyati turned to leave. A smirk playing on her lips.

Yudhishthir was sitting alone on the highest balcony of Hastinapur's palace. His golden brown eyes gazing at the stars.

" Jyest" his Anuj's voice made him turn " why are you sitting here alone?" asked Arjun" Are you still drowning in the guilt?"

Yudhishthir sighted. Maybe he can open up to Arjun. He is much more understanding than his other three anujs. Nakul and Sehdev just yearns for a reason to tease others and Panchali is their current name to tease him. Bheem may not tease him but he hardly tries to understand what's going on but Arjun is different. He matches Yudhishthir's vibes a lot.

" I am, parth, I don't know why but her face always clouds my mind. My whole body longs for her forgiveness. It's true we did wrong. We betrayed her. She is having full right to be angry on us. She trusted me by her heart. I saw that in her eyes. She never said but her eyes did. " Yudhishthir's expressions soften" but what did I do. I broke her trust. Not once but twice. "

" Jyest, when we spied on Panchal, we considered it as a casual task. We did nothing wrong. Even when we attacked on Panchal, we had no intentions of hurting Maharaj Drupad then how can we be wrong " Said Arjun with so maturity that surprised Yudhishthir" this is what I believe" he said grumpily which made Yudhisthir realise he is still a kid.

A small smile crept on Yudhishthir's lips.

" Jyest may I ask something?" Arjun asked hesitantly.

" Go on parth"

" The way you care for Panchal Kumari is not normal. Her anger is affecting you so much. Do you...like...I mean...feel..." Arjun asked stammering not knowing how to ask.

Yudhishthir understood his question and eased him by answering " maybe" he himself is not sure. He can't call this love. Neither he likes the stubborn fire born, but still he cares for her.

Arjun got his answer although half but he was satisfied. He went away wishing good night to his jyest.

Yudhishthir sighted in relief. He felt a burden taken off from his heart.

Opening up to Arjun was a good idea. He thought....

Just a fill up. Be ready for some funny and exciting chapters....

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