The last night

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Shakuni, who was enjoying this show till now became a lot attentive listening to Gandhari's name. This was the reason of his hate rate towards Bhism.

" When you went there with this proposal, there was a huge army following you. How could Gandhar Raj denie the proposal. I don't know about your intentions but the way you presented this offer seemed like a situation of do or die. Either accept the proposal or fight with the huge army of Hastinapur that was nearly impossible" Her voice was sharper than any dagger. The confidence she held putting up her point surprised many.

No one questioned her.Even if many didn't follow Dharma but they knew what Dharma is. Pandavas had a gloomy look on their face for not able to defend their pita mah but how could they when he himself was silent.

Shakuni for the first time was impressed by this girl. She said what Shakuni wanted to from decades.

" So according to your definition of Dharma, you violated the right to marry anyone of their choice for four girls. " She concluded.

Bhism stood up, so did others. He left without saying anything. One by one others followed leaving Shakuni, pandavas and Aanyati behind.

" Amazing Agni kanya, amazing, I must say, you deserve the title of Dharmraj" praised Shakuni. Aanyati just raised her one eye brow wondering about this man.

" This title suits to it's owner only." She said looking at Yudhisthir " I have no wish to follow Dharma blindly. For me doing my duty without worrying about the results is Dharma " saying so she left.

Shakuni still held a wicked look as if planning something. Yudhishthir, Arjun and Sehdev were deep in thoughts. Whatever she said made sense. Nakul and Bheem were just tensed about pita mah.

" Whatever you said might be true Vriti, but the way you said wasn't " Moti tried to make her understand.

" This was the most humble way to. " Aanyati argued. Moti sighted

" Do whatever you think, but if you wish to follow my advice then must confront him once " saying so Moti left a Aanyati drowing in thoughts.

Finally she decided to meet him once but where was he? Nobody saw him after that incident.


A child find peace in his mother's embarace only. With this thought she walked to the Ganga shore searching for him and eventually found him there.

" Your thoughts had shaken me Drupad kanya" he said in his stern voice sensing her around.

" Should I take it as a yes of yours that you have done adharm?" She asked but with the same coldness.

A intense silence followed after wards. Bhism finally turned toward her facing her.

" You know my mother have the power to wash off every sin one has committed in his life" his voice seemed deep and full of guilt. Aanyati understood his meaning. She held her gaze up to his eyes.

" And I am sure her son have the power to stop people from committing any sin " she said. It is true that she is having great respect for Bhism. The stories of his valour are always on Parshuram's tongue. Bhism held a small smile on his face as well.

This girl in front of him had devasted his pride of Dharma . He now was a different person who considered himself as a mortal trying to do Dharma not a special being who can't do adharm.

Meanwhile from a distance Arjun watched all this. The respect he held for both his pita ma and Aanyati increased a lot.

Aanyati left soon afterwards and now Arjun came forward to talk to his pita mah.

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