4: All sorts of dislikes

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When I woke up I was in pain. It was warm, and something was wrapped around me protectively, so I stayed curled up a bit, slowly realising I was purring.

"Oh my... so cute..." someone said and I realised the warm comfort on my head was a hand.

My eyes opened. That was not Erasurhead!

Jumping up, I let out a hiss. Actually, I tried to shout curses, but this story is child friendly... or this chapter is. Actually, no never mind, the 18 plus hero has to ruin it. Yeah no, I tried, swearing is inevitable.

The pro hero Midnight retracted her hand almost in a panic at seeing me jump up. "That cat is feral! Shota Aizawa, what he hell are you adopting this time?"

"Yeah, it does that." Aizawa said as he walked to the couch where Midnight sat. I quickly jumped off the couch, away from any petting hands.

"It?" Midnight said, "You don't know it's gender?"

"I don't want to get attached, it seems... odd. I think it's a wild cat or something, not a house cat anyway."

"Well it mews and purs," Midnight shrugged, "Maybe the cat just had a rough past? Just give it some love."

Aizawa gave me a smile. "I'll try."

Haha. Fuck off.
I wonder if I'll ever say 'haha' genuinely.

I walked off, hoping to find an open window. I should get home before stuff got even more weird.

The front door was closed, that wasn't an option, there wasn't an open window anywhere...
With dislike I walked into the bathroom. Fortunately a screened off window stood open, letting in a cold breeze.

I walked up to the window, looking down.

I hated how far it seemed, how small I was and how curious I was about wether I had nine lives.

"Do you want to die?" Dorothy appeared behind me.

Without warning I hissed at her.

"You should get that under control," Dorothy pointed out.

"Fuck off," I just growled as I stepped away from the window.

"I just saved your life though."

"Cats have nine," I said disapointedly.

Dorothy curiously stepped around me, "You say a lot of human stuff.... Are you human?"

"I look like a cat," I decided, "Why would I be a human?"

"Humans are weird."

"Good point."

"I know," Dorothy nodded, "But you should clean yourself..."

I paused.
"Do I smell of something?"

"Ever heard of toxic waste, concrete, dirt and ash?"
With that Dorothy walked away.

I sat down patiently thinking it over. It sounded like the drug had landed on me somehow, but why couldn't I turn back? Was the drug still taking effect?
Maybe it was still in my system?

I looked at my paws, searching for any wounds. Sure enough, some were hidden under my fur, I wondered why I wasn't bleeding, though the blood had probably dried.

"Hey," Aizawa looked down at me.
It was curious how I found out more and more about him. Weird, I mean. Awfully creepy. I felt disgusting. Get me out of here, do I look like some perv— oh no I was standing in a strangers bathroom...!
"You should take a bath."

(Dadzawa) I'm not a cat! (Cat quirk reader)Where stories live. Discover now