9: Lets blindly Trust Someone!

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The hospital checked me up, making sure no cop or hero could get near until I wanted to get interrogated. It was pretty nice to not have to talk about it yet, I could prepare lies this way.

The old man could stay. I didn't mind him, he was so kind not to push me away. He sat on a chair, his eyes on a book.

"Can I ask for your name?" I muttered once the doctor left, the wound on my head stitched, and I had had a small check up for whatever reason.

"I'm Takaka, I own a store not far from here." He smiled kindly while my thoughts started to backflip off of a building. I wasn't supposed to know that... why did I decide to become a vigilante again? Seems idiotic.
"And what's your name?" The old man asked softly.

"(Y/n)," I said, leaving out my last name on purpose... though that was useless. There was no way to get out of this one. Yes, it was obvious my father is slightly... yeah.

"Does he hurt you?"

I shrugged. "I came home drunk last night. Shouldn't have done that, I guess."

"That's no reason to beat someone up," Tsukiko sighed, "No parent should hit their child."

With a frown I shook my head. "That's not right."

"Of course it is, it's common sense."

"It's not," I insisted, the painkillers making me stress only more, "If that's common sense, why did nobody do anything before? Besides, I get beaten wherever I go! What's it matter if my dad just so happens to get caught—"

"Hey, it's okay," Tanaka got up from the plastic chair and found a spot on the hospital bed next to where I sat. "Me and so much more people will get you out of there. They will make sure to get you somewhere safe."

I wanted to believe that. I really did. Just a few thousand problems to solve before that can happen.

"Tell me," I said nearly mockingly, "Why would someone want to take in a quirkless child? I would only get them jobless..." and then they would... dead.
Tears gathered in my eyes as I thought of how my mom ended up because of me.
"I don't have anywhere to go," I admitted as tears tried to burst trough, "I was lucky at all to have a bed, and now I don't."

Tanaka softly touched my arm. "Look," he put her other hand on the bed we were sitting on, "This is for you. No need paying for it."


"And we'll get you a place, we will, not you, you'll only have to tell us wether you like it or not. No worry about anything, we're here for you."


I realised it was useless to protest. I felt stuck. More stuck than in that room. So stuck, how would I get away?
A tear rolled down my cheek and I rubbed it away forcefully, the cuff of my sleeve hurting my face, though I appreciated the distraction.

I just had to think clearly. Maybe after a nap I could...
God I was in such deep shit!

"Whenever you're ready," Tanaka broke the silence softly, "We can go out of here. If you want you can come by the cops station. It's not obligated, but if you want you can meet the detective on the case, just to ease your mind."

I frowned. "Aren't they going to interview me?"

"Well..." Tanaka took a slight breath before he explained, "Other than the doctor's check up, your bruises are an obvious sign of abuse. Your father confessed already, and someone is at your school right now, seeing if they can find information there. They could interview you, but we don't want to bother you. You've already been through enough."

(Dadzawa) I'm not a cat! (Cat quirk reader)Where stories live. Discover now