26: Priorities!

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Waking up was hard. Maybe because I was so tired, or... maybe I was just so comfy? Either way, I tried to think of reasons to wake up, and found none. It was great to relax my mind, just for a second.

Then my alarm clock went off and I jumped up, hissing. I wasn't even a cat right now, yet I hissed like one. I hated that.

A few long and tiring moments of getting ready later I walked into the kitchen for my cup of coffee. Before I could take a sip though, Dorothy walked passed me. Her tail was low, her ears cautious.

A small growl left my mouth and she ran. I felt evil, but I didn't mind that at all.

"Hey, I'm out patrolling all day," Aizawa said when he walked into the kitchen, "You'll probably be home alone. You can call me any time and... should I give you Mic and Nemuri's numbers?"

"I'll be fine," I shrugged before Aizawa decided that I wouldn't be.

At school I kept my head low. I didn't want to start a fight today. Shinso hadn't had any sleep, so he was pretty much out of it too. After school we walked passed a random café and bought a drink.

"Make sure to sleep tonight," I said sternly, "I think I'll need someone to keep me sane tomorrow."

"Hm? What makes you say that?" Shinso asked as his head tilted up a bit. He was laying with his head on the table, though he sat on the couch opposite me.

"Just a feeling..." I shrugged, listening to the sounds of people talking, cups clinking, paper...

"Maybe it's your quirk," Shinso guessed. He grabbed his cup and took a sip.

"Could be," I looked away, "My quirk is really unpredictable... last night I got mad at Dorothy and nearly killed her—"

"You mean the cat you're living with, right?" Shinso said cautiously.

"...Okay, it does sound like I'm talking about actual murder," I admitted with a bit of a smile, "Yes, Dorothy the cat."

"So what happened?" Shinso wondered now.

"Oh, she er... said something mean and I got angry. I chased her... as a cat, I chased her and then we fought."

"I mean," Shinso shrugged, "She started it."

"That's not even the point," I shook my head and chuckled, "I mean, I just get angry fast now. I used to be able to take all the crap and bottle it up—"

"Which isn't healthy—"

"I'm ignoring that, but now I just... can't anymore, physically." I sighed and played with the emoty cup of my drink. "It sucks that I'm so shitty at controlling my quirk.

Shinso shrugged. "When I first got my quirk I asked my mom wether we could get McDonalds, she said no and then we were getting me a Happy Meal. It's like a whole new thing you've got to learn. It's normal to mess up with it."

"...but I hurt people...." I complained, "Or cats, which is almost the same."

"Nobody blames you for that," Shinso shrugged, "Just keep on learning, you'll figure it out eventually."

When we finished our drinks we headed back outside.

I figured that since Aizawa was gone, he wouldn't notice me not being at his place for like... just a few hours.

With a smile I turned to the police station, knowing my masks and cloaks would be there.
Time to steal!!

Walking took me a while, especially since some villain decided to cause a ruckus. Hawks defeated the villain with speed though, and I walked along the crowd once the street was open again.

(Dadzawa) I'm not a cat! (Cat quirk reader)Where stories live. Discover now