23: A sudden Change

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It smelled bad. Like a bunch of medicine stuffed away in the back of a closet, much like the drugs, but mixed in with cleanser. A lot of clean smells that mixed and just smelled bad.
While I thought of the ugliness of the smell, I realised I had opened my eyes already.
My head hurt, everything spun and I realised I felt like I was on drugs.
Hey! Maybe I was! Wouldn't that be a funny coincidence!

"Stay alive," a nurse had said before I found myself sitting up, spacing in and out of reality.
I tried to think straight.

Was I fixed by now? I wouldn't even know.
This wasn't a video game, these things took time. Unfortunately.

Suddenly I woke up in soft blankets. In a curled up position I tried my best to open my eyes. The trouble was, I was just so comfortable.
A hand was in my hair and I heard a weird rumble sound.
Crap I was purring, wasn't I?

"She's recovering well," someone said patiently as I decided to not move for reasons.

"I'm glad, what about the drugs? Have they been removed?" Was that Aizawa? Figures. I'd imagine him staring at a cat, just having to run up to it. Weirdo. Though, I didn't mind the hand in my hair— I did not say that out loud!

"Well, I guess you could say that," the nurse said, "They did a number on her though, her wounds wouldn't close properly with a healing quirk. We tried again this morning, and fortunately after the drugs were gone we could use healing quirks."

"Thank you for saving her," Aizawa said softly, "She means a lot to... a lot of people."

I do? Well that escaped my notice.

When the hand got removed I looked up, reaching up to put it back.

"You're awake," Aizawa noticed as he smiled.

"Not yet," I said, "And don't sneak up on me again."

"Pfff..." Aizawa laughed softly.

I glanced up with one eye.
He looked really relieved.
"Did I die or something?"

"Well... not to scare you, but you were dead for four minutes."

"Oh," I sighed, "Is that why I felt so peacefully asleep?"

"That would probably be the medication..." Aizawa admitted.

"Mh," I disappointedly sat up, letting my legs swing off the comfortable bed as I ignoring Aizawa's hand. Unfortunately it left my hair. "When can I leave?"

Now Aizawa's smile dropped. He looked at me sternly and I realised that question somehow was a mistake.
Crap, did he know— about the vigilante stuff!?

"I'm not mad," Aizawa sighed, probably seeing the panic on my face, "I knew already. There's not many people with sneakers that beaten up."

I visibly paused.

How did he... because of my shoes!?

"I'm an underground hero," Aizawa shrugged, "Its part of my job to notice these things. But never mind that. You can't leave and put yourself in danger again."

I looked at him with wide eyes.
(Because of my shoes? Really? What the— wait, there were more signs than that... but still!!)
And he knew a lot more than just that I was a vigilante!

"But..." I frowned, "Are they just getting away with the weird drugs? They've got stuff to activate quirks. I've sssn how dangerous that is with my own eyes!"

"You should have gone to the heroes in the first place," Aizaaa sighed.

"Only to get laughed at? I was quirkless before the drugs showed me I wasn't! And then I was a fucking cat! There was a lot of reasons I couldn't!"

(Dadzawa) I'm not a cat! (Cat quirk reader)Where stories live. Discover now