29: Training!

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"Hey, Shinso," I said the next day at school. We agreed to meet up earlier and now we were walking to class through a nearly empty hallway, "So about that thing I would do..."

"Hm?" Shinso looked up from his phone tiredly. We continued walking as I explained.

"Aizawa has agreed to—"

"He's actually helping out!?" His eyes widened, making him look like the manic fanboy he was on the inside.

"Shh!" I put a finger over my lips, "You're being a fanboy. Anyway, there's this gym not too far from here. Aizawa used to work out there. He had to continue anyway, so he thought why not let me and you tag along—"

"I get to meet him...?" Shinso smiled brightly.

"You're being a fanboy— but," I waved a finger in the air, "He'll try to make sure you've got a decent chance in the entrance exam—"

"He will—!" Shinso stopped walking.

Annoyed, I stopped walking as well. I knew he'd get excited, but come on. It was just 'Zawa.
Shinso suddenly gave me a tight hug.

A low growl left me and Shinso stepped back, not dropping his smile.

"Don't hit me— but thanks!"

"Yeah sure," I continued on walking to class, leaving Shinso to catch up. I really hoped this would work and he'd grow to become a great hero in the future. I mean, he better become a great hero so I didn't go through the trouble of asking Aizawa in the first place!

The day went by as usual, like nothing had changed.
Maybe it hadn't, but it felt like I had just moved a pawn in a chess game.

I had made a change, all by myself.

Your turn now, life. Try to make it more off a hell for me.

"Stop that," Aizawa grumbled when I once more chased after Dorothy.

"What?" I said once I changed back, still sitting on the ground, "It's not like I'm hurting her."

Dorothy hid under Aizawa's chair, her tail in between her legs as she ducked, ready to run away from me.

"She's scared out of her mind!" Aizawa huffed.

"Oh, I know," I said in a low tone as I crouched down to look into her eyes, "I can smell her fear."


I turned back into a cat and continued the chase.
It was good fun until Aizawa picked me up. "Let's go outside."

A hiss escaped me, but I doubt Aizawa understood the swear words. Dorothy did understand them and she hissed back.

The sun shone outside and Aizawa put me down. He started walking and I followed, confused of where he'd go. The nearby park was busy and Aizawa just let me run around. There were birds to scare, there were dogs to make wild and I enjoyed getting attention from some kids. They tried to pet me, and I walked around them, playing a game of tag, almost.

I found a large dog and ran up to it.

"Oh shit—" Aizawa picked me up again, "Sorry, she's got a lot of energy—"

"Is that a cat? She acts like a dog!" The dog owner said and Aizawa hid his grin. I couldn't help but to growl. What an insult!

"She's got ears," Aizawa shrugged my timed growl off, "Sorry for scaring you and your dog."

Fortunately the dog owner walked off, eager to get the growling dog away from my hissing cat self. Aizawa put me back down and I hissed at him before finding something else to do.

After all that we came home and I fell asleep on the couch.

Aizawa took a nap himself. He thought to himself though, was it right to treat me like he'd treat a cat?

Shinso was very excited when we met up at the gym. I looked inside, seeing people doing sports. I was wondering why I should go do all this bothersome stuff.

Shinso saw Aizawa and stopped bouncing on his feet. "Hi, I'm—"

"Yeah, I know who you are," Aizawa said lamely. He walked inside, ready to go home again. Or so he looked.

Inside there were changing rooms, but Shinso said he didn't have to change. Aizawa didn't really bother. I mean, he was wearing his hero stuff, he usually was since it was literally just a black shirt and black pants... which is genius, I guess.

I had gotten ready at home, not wanting to change into something where I didn't feel safe. I mean, not that I could I wanted to feel safe...
Anyway, we started doing warming ups instead, saving time like the 'rational people' we were. (Aizawa voice)

"(Y/n), you're doing it wrong."

"Nah, I'm just not bothering," I admitted as I completely stopped, "I never do warming ups, why should I do it now?"

"Because it's better for your muscles," Shinso said, "Which... do you even have them?"

"Good point," I nodded and continued what we were doing.

"That was a joke," Shinso assured Aizawa when he gave us an odd look. Maybe the odd look was for something else though... oh well.

We moved on to something different.

"I don't wanna lift weights," I said boredly, "Why can't I do anything interesting?"

"Like what?" Shinso asked curiously.

"Er... like..." I looked at Aizawa for an answer.

With a sigh he gestured to a mat. "I wanted to wait with it, but we can try to practice combat—"

"Yes!" Shinso punched a fist in the air before he paused. "If that's okay with—"

"Hell yeah!" I cheered and pushed Shinso towards the mat.

"Let's see how great your skill is first," Aizawa sighed. He sat down, "Don't injure, just try to push each other over I guess."

I grinned.
"You'll have the first move, Shinso."

"You sure? Not that I'm judging by character, but you don't seem like you can fight—"

"Same goes to you," I said, not dropping my probably evil looking smile.

Shinso glanced at Aizawa who made a 'get on with it' motion with his hand.
Shaking his head at me, Shinso got into a position.
The fight started, he jumped to me, grabbing my shoulder. I put my leg behind his and elbowed Shinso in his side. He let go in a reflex and I could smoothly grab his waist, pulling him over my leg.

"I win!" I cheered and jumped up in the air a bit.

"Huh... better than expected," Aizawa said, "Shinso, you gave away your first move. It takes practice, but you should pay more attention to what your opponent is doing. As for (y/n), don't hold back."

"Hold on," Shinso gave me a frown, "You were holding back!?"

"I mean... I let you go first and gave you three openings to try..."

Aizawa shrugged when Shinso glanced at him in confusion.

Fortunately Aizawa didn't spill my secret, about me being a vigilante... as far as I am now that I can't sneak out properly anyway. We went to training, Shinso learning a lot of basics thanks to Aizawa's quirk teaching.
I got to let Shinso try what he learned, but I continued to win because I couldn't let anyone else win.

We finished up and said goodbye to Shinso.
At home I curled up on the couch, the tv playing softly. I closed my eyes and drifted into a deep sleep.
I honestly didn't even do much, but I was tired.

I liked how I got to nap whenever I wanted to. Truly, this was the best lifestyle!

(Dadzawa) I'm not a cat! (Cat quirk reader)Where stories live. Discover now