16: Nezu's help!

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So, you know by now. Black fur, green eyes. A cat.

What might be funny was the look on the villain's face.
"You... cat?"
His wide eyes would be funnier if I wasn't in trouble though. I couldn't afford people figuring out my quick, it would be a dead giveaway of my identity as well.

Act natural!
I laid down on the ground and started purring. No need to be smart, villain, don't figure out my new quirk!

"Right... where'd they go?" The villain mumbled softly.

Totally not right in front of you, haha.

I got up and hurried out.

This would be the strangest thing to explain to Aizawa, but oh well.
I knew he could help me out!

Maybe I should stop turning into a cat because of some weird drugs though...

Either way;

It was a long while of walking.
I found absolutely nothing that could help me. I couldn't even call a cab! Not that I could afford one, but still!

While I walked, endlessly, I cursed my short legs.
Suddenly my eyes found someone walking through the crowd.

Was that...
That's too coincidental.
No way!

Without thinking too much about it I tried to test my theory.
Was it a mouse? A dog? A bear?

He perked up.
Principal Nezu looked at me and smiled. He walked up to me. Did he hear a mew, or...

"Can you..."

"I can hear you," Nezu muttered, trying not the be to noticable as he looked down at me, "Is something the matter?"

I pawed on the ground awkwardly. "I..." how to explain this, "My quirk?"

The chimera looked down at me with amusement.
"Aha, how about we discuss this over a cup of tea?"

Without another word Nezu started walking.

I sighed. Tiredly I walked after him, curious to see where he'd be going. Maybe he was about to just ignore me. I'm sure he has better stuff to do.

Nezu walked into a cafe and I followed.

"Two tea please."

"Can I have..." I trailed off.

"Wait, one tea and..."

"Chocolate milk?"

"Chocolate is poisonous for a cat."


"Sir, are you talking to a cat?"

"Quirk gone wrong, I suspect," Nezu said, "You know how it is these days."

Excuse— did he just— come on! I can't be the only one struggling this much!

"Ah..." the person behind the counter went to look at me, before turning back to Nezu, "Can I offer a simple milk?"

"Heat it up?" I asked.

"One warm milk and a tea," Nezu said, "Thank you."

"One warm milk and a tea coming up," the person smiled brightly before going to make it.

Nezu sat down and I hopped on the other seat. I realised how low I was and sighed, jumping onto the table instead.

"So," Nezu said, "Tell me, how did this happen?"

I looked away. "You see... this isn't even the first time."

"It's not?"

"Er..." I sighed and went to explain the non vigilante version of it. While I explained I got my warm milk and awkwardly tried to drink it before giving up slowly. "And er... I think it has to do with..." would it be risky? "Some type of drugs. It's new, and they're trying to move it into the area. Twice I've run into sellers now."

(Dadzawa) I'm not a cat! (Cat quirk reader)Where stories live. Discover now