Meeting the staff

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prompt: you are 17 in this and Marjorie is your mum and you are meeting the staff for the first time. 

You had just finished your classes for the day and was walking towards the bus stop; as you were walking towards the bus stop you get a text message from your mum you read the message it says "hi sweetie, just to let you know I have invited everyone round to night for a takeaway, hope this is okay" you quickly reply saying it's okay. You put your phone away, you were thankful that it was Friday however you were confused why your mum invited everyone round, she never kept you a secret because she was shamed of you but because she was very protective because you were kind of smart.

The bus came and you got on it and enjoyed the 20-minute bus journey listening to music, music was your passion you loved to sing, write and play music, you could play many instruments, but not just that you had a photographic memory, you was actually in your last year of university studying music, you was only 17 but when school noticed that you was ahead of your peers they had your IQ tested and when it came back that you had a high IQ the school and your mum let you skip a few years in school until you eventually left school at 12.

You got home and decided to tidy the house so your mum could relax before everyone came round, you had asked your mum what time they were coming and she had told you between 7 and half past 7 that evening. You turned your music on and started to tidy up whilst listening to 'Unwritten' by Natasha Bedingfield, you started in the living room and then once that was done you moved into the kitchen the house was already tidy you just gave it a once over and a hoover. Before you know it, you heard your mum's car pulling into the driveway, you had finished cleaning and was sat at the dining room table doing your coursework, you looked at the clock on your laptop and see its 6:45pm.

"Y/N I'm home" you hear your mum shout "I'm at the dining table mum" you shout back, your mum walks through to where your sat "hi love, I see you have tidied up, thank you have you had a good day" she asks you whilst walking over and giving you a hug and a kiss on the forehead "yeah I did, only a couple of weeks until exams start then its all done mama, have you had a good day no annoying parents today" you respond back to her whilst looking up at her; "you will do fine sweetie and not today Autumn dealt with most of them" she says with a chuckle.

You and your mum was sat there talking whilst waiting for everyone to show up "mama, not that I mind but how did you friend find out you had a daughter" you ask her "ahh Sorscha heard me on the phone to you and heard me say your full name when you swore down the phone earlier" she explains "that makes sense mama, however I only swore because I nearly tripped down the stairs, so I'm guessing once Sorscha new you had a child, you decide to just invite everyone round" you say straight to the point "nothing gets past you sweetie, now pack your work up sweetie they are here" she says to you whilst getting up to answer the door to her work friends.

You pack your coursework away and put it in your bag before running past your mum and up to your room up the stairs, you could hear her laughing whilst opening the door for everyone "come in everyone, make yourself comfortable" you hear her say.

Marjorie watched you run up the stairs, she opened the door and saw everyone stood there "Marjorie why you laughing" Marjorie heard Charlotte ask whilst they all walk into the living room "ohh I was just laughing at myself" you walked down the stairs and say "she was laughing at me" whilst entering the room to see 7 people looking at you and then at your mum "this must be Y/N Y/M/N Van Gould" one says with an Irish accent you look at your mum for an introduction " yes Sorscha this is Y/N, sweetie these are my friends you have Sorscha, Charlotte, Autumn, Winter, Jodie Mia, Reece and Carly who is your age" she says whilst pointing at everyone at the same time of saying their name "everyone this is Y/N my daughter" your mum says to everyone "Hi, its nice to meet you" you say with everyone looking at you. 

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