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prompt: you are deaf, but wear cochlear implants. You are 26 and work at the nursery nobody knows you are deaf, until they find out.

You wake up to the vibrations coming from your alarm, you sleep with your phone under your people so that you can feel it, you turn the alarm off and climb out of your bed; you were used to the silence and had grown used to it over the years. You pad over to your wardrobe and pulled out your clothes that you would be wearing for work, you loved your job at the Knight Nursery and had been working there for 3 years; you had started when you were 23 and now you were 26 and, in that time, you had made friends with your co-workers but they still didn't know one important detail and that was you are deaf. You walk over to where you keep your cochlear implants were once you were dressed and put them in, you fixed your hair so they weren't noticeable, you have been deaf since you were 5 years old and had lost your hearing when your parents and you were in a car accident which took their lives but you had lived and lost your hearing due to head trauma.

You leave your house and head of to the nursery, you only lived around the corner from the building and walked every day to and from work. Entering the building, you walk to the office to sign in and you see Marjorie and Autumn, the manager and deputy of the nursery, sat at their desk "morning Autumn, Marjorie" you greeted and signed in "morning Y/N, how are you this morning" Marjorie asks you "I'm good, where am I this morning" you reply "toddlers with Sorscha please" your manager says and you walk off to the staff room waving as you left the office, you put your stuff in you locker and head down to the toddler room. "Morning Y/N" you hear Sorscha greet and you look over and see her quickly moving to stop a toddler from pulling stuff of the side "morning Sorscha" you reply and you quickly get started on an activity with your group of toddlers that Sorscha had pointed at and you helped them when they needed it but over all you let them have free range over the activity.

It was nearly the end of you shift, you had started to get a headache which was common with your implants a few hours into your shift, but you carried on working; you was sat in the book corner reading a story to all the toddlers when you felt at toddler pull one of your implants off and whilst you tried to get it back saying 'no' to the toddler and the same toddler pulled your other one off and you watched as the toddler broke them and you knew that you needed your spares but they were in your locker in your bag; you shouting had caught Sorscha's attention and she came over and saw a little boy had something in his hand and saw you sat there pinching your nose and slowly breathing "Y/N you alright" Sorscha asked but since you couldn't hear anything, you hadn't heard or seen her come over to the corner. When Sorscha hadn't got a reply from you, she reached for what the toddler had and when she had received it from the child, she saw a weird hearing device that had a magnetic circle on the end; Sorscha recognised it as a hearing device and was wondering where it had come from since she knew none of the children had them or needed them, and she quickly realised why you hadn't responded and Sorscha reached out and touched you.

You were sat there in shock at what had happened trying to think what you should do and you jumped when you felt a hand on your arm and looked up to see Sorscha saying something since her lips were moving but couldn't hear her, you see her show you something and you see she had your implants in her hand, you quickly point to them and then your ears to help her understand that you need them to hear since you hated talking without your implants in. Sorscha watched as you gestured from the device in her hand to your ears and she quickly put it together that you needed them to hear, Sorscha got up and quickly walked over to the phone "Marjorie, I'm going to need you to send someone into cover Y/N" Sorscha explained to Marjorie when she had picked up the phone, you watched as Sorscha walked away and picked up the phone and saw her lips move so you new she was talking to someone but you didn't know who before you see her hang up the phone.

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