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Prompt: you are Charlotte daughter and suffer with a heart condition, you meet the staff for the first time 



You was sat outside and was lay on the floor staring at the stars and you were enjoying the quietness of the night and was just having a quiet moment, you was lost in your own world when you heard the door slide open and heard footsteps walking towards you and you saw your mum standing above you "hey sweetheart" she asked you quietly and smiled when you moved over so she could lay with you on the blanket that you had put down on the floor "hi mum" you say to her quietly not taking your eyes of the sky "you okay sweetie, you have been quiet the last few days" she asked you and turning your head you look at her before looking up at the sky again "I'm okay" you say and feel her sit up slightly next to you "you sure, you know that you can speak to me" you heard her say and with a sigh you nod at her "I know, just enjoying the night sky" you say to her and feel her lay back down "you have always loved the night sky, looking at the sky and seeing the stars is your favourite thing" you heard her whisper and you know she is right about you loving the night sky and anything to do with the stars really "I know" you say and just kept staring at the sky before turning to her briefly "mum, are you ashamed of me" you ask her quietly and saw her quickly look at you shocked at what you just asked "no sweetheart why would you ask me that" she asked you and looking back at the night sky "just I've never met your friends but I hear you talk about them all the time with nana but I heard you say that they don't know you have a daughter, so I thought you was ashamed of me as a daughter" you say to her and feel her move your head so you was looking at her "Y/N Y/M/N Knowles I'm not and will ever be ashamed of you, I'm just protective okay and I know you struggle with meeting people okay and with your anxiety and your illness, I want to make sure that you were safe okay, when did you hear me on the phone with nana" you heard her say and you look at her in the eye " a few days ago" you say with a shrug of your shoulders and went to look at the sky again.

You knew your mum was very protective of you and who you met outside the family and you did understand why, you was born with a heart defect and had to have a couple of surgeries and was on medication and due to your medication you had to be careful who you interacted with so you wouldn't get sick because if you got sick it would lead to hospitalization, you was due a surgery in a month so had to be careful who you interacted with at the moment because if you got sick the surgery would be cancelled so this has made your mum go into full protective mode and has even pulled you out of school and you was doing online school at home and when she went to work she wore a mask if she knew a sickness bug was going round and always carried hand sanitiser with her just to keep you safe, coming back to the present you see your mum was sat up and you moved to sit up as well "would you want to meet them" she asked you "yeah they sound like really nice people and I want to meet them, I know about being careful even if I wear a mask I will do and it can be in the open space for all I care like a park or even out here" you say to her and stare at her to make see you was being serious "okay, I'll arrange for something next week however I will ask them to wear mask in work for the week and to avoid anyone who is ill" she says to you and makes you look at her so you knew she was being serious "I will not put you at risk, this surgery could be your last one for a while and I want to keep you out the hospital until that surgery happens" she says before kissing your forehead and you knew that she would've kissed you on the cheek or something but she had tried to keep you safe from herself as well since you knew she could carry something but don't show symptoms.

Charlotte left you at home for the day with her mum and headed of to work and drove to the nursery and once she had arrived she pulled on her mask and walked into the building, all the staff knew not to question her about the mask anymore since they were used to her wearing one occasionally even if they didn't understand why they still respected her and even some of the parents were even used to it and didn't even complain about it mainly the ones who have been coming to the nursery for a few years, entering the office Charlotte saw her long time friend and boss Marjorie and Autumn sat in the office talking quietly to each other "morning Charlotte" she heard Marjorie say to her and she quickly signed in before turning to them both "morning Marjorie, Autumn" she says and see them looking at her "I have something to ask you and the rest of the staff" Charlotte asked the pair and saw them look at her "I have someone I would love for you to meet this weekend and no Marjorie its not someone I'm dating since I'm not dating" she asked them quickly looking at Marjorie when she saw her go to ask "who is it" Autumn asked her and she looked at the deputy sighing "it's complicated but to meet the person it would require for you to either stay away from anyone sick and it would mean wearing a mask at work to prevent from getting ill or catching anything" Charlotte told them which got her confused looks "they have a health condition and need to be careful with meeting people but they want to really meet you all since they have heard me talk about you" she says to them and was met with nods "sure, we can't wait to meet this person and I will pass on the message for you, do you have any spare masks for now since I don't currently have any in here" Marjorie asked and she pulled out a box of masks and placed them on the desk "this should do for the week and come round mine on Saturday around 12pm" she tells them before leaving the room and heading to put her stuff away before starting her shift. As the week went on Charlotte was happy that all the staff who was meeting you were wearing masks and even making sure to use sanitiser when they can, it did cause a few confused comments from parents but she just brushed them off and soon it was the weekend and she could tell that you were excited to meet everyone.

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