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Prompt: Marjorie and Autumn find out their 17-year-old daughter is pregnant but find out more than they thought


You looked at the little white stick in your hand was shocked at what you saw, you couldn't believe what you were seeing, you had been feeling sick for the last few days and was more tired but had put it down to just everything being to much, but seeing the little plus sign on the stick you realised it was down to something you didn't want to believe but the proof was in front of you and knew you had some decisions to make but you had to tell your parents first, however you would have to reveal more than what you was ready to do, for the last 3 months you had been hiding something serious from your family and even though they noticed you was more quiet and less interactive with them and was staying in your room more than you wasn't they thought it was due to stress with college work and just typical teenager stuff, your mum and ma had tried to get you to talk to them and even got your favourite aunt to try and talk to you but you had just told them that you was fine and they left you be knowing you would tell them when you was ready to talk to them. Sighing you knew your parents weren't going to be home for another few hours and being in the house on your own was making you nervous so you decided to ring your go to person and quickly picked up your phone and dialled your aunt Sorscha's number, you was close with all your aunts and uncles but in that moment you needed your go to person and your aunt Sorscha was that person, bringing the phone to your ear and looked down at the test in your hand you tried to hold back the tears "hiya Y/N, you okay" you heard your aunts voice come down and quickly the tears started to fall "could you come round" you whisper down the phone and sniffled down the phone "is everything okay, I'm on the way sweetie" you hear her say and you just sobbed down the phone and couldn't speak due to the sobs just taking over "sweetie, I need you to breath" you hear her say again when you didn't respond "ca-cant breath" you get out between sobs and started to panic at the feeling of not being able to breath "Y/N I'm just walking up the path" you heard before hearing a knock at the door and threw your phone on the bed before rushing down the stairs and flung the door open and jumped into your aunts arms.

Feeling your aunt catch you in her arms you just break down further in her arms and feel her carry you into the living room but stops when you say "not the living room" you say through sobs "where do you want to go" she asks you softly in your ear "bedroom" you say calming down slightly to speak wanting to feel the safety of your bedroom "okay, lets go" she says before carrying you upstairs to your bedroom, you entered your bedroom whilst being carried and felt your aunt put you down on the bed before she bent down in front of you "sweetie can you tell me what's going" she says to you softly and moves your hair from your face "I-I-I don't know how" you says quietly and felt the little test touching your thigh and moved to grab it and brought it behind your back "can you try" she asks you again and noticed your movement "what have you got there" she asks and you knew that you couldn't hide what you was attempting to hide and gently handed the test to her and put you head down and just sobbed when you heard a gasp "Y/N is this what I think it is" she asked and you just sobbed and heard her stand up "do your mum's know" she asks you in a tone that made you flinch and move quickly away from her but she didn't notice since she was now pacing the floor "Y/N how did this even happen, when did it happen, what about the father" you heard her ask so quickly you couldn't keep up with what she was asking but hearing her ask how it happened made you just sob more at what happened over nearly 3 months ago "aunt Sorschie" you whisper and see her stop pacing when she heard your frightened tone and saw her look at you "I didn't want it to happen" you say so quietly that you was shocked that she heard what you whispered "wh-what" she says and you just look at her.

You jumped when you heard the front door open loudly followed by "Y/N we are home" coming from your ma and you just stared at your aunt Sorscha scared to move from where you was curled up "i-i- you haven't told anyone have you" you heard her whisper out trying to process what you had told her "no" you whisper and see her crawl onto the bed and just brought you on her lap and you feel her rub your back trying to calm you down "you have to tell your mum's sweetie" you hear her say and you just shook your head "I can't they will hate me, they won't believe me over him nobody will" you get out and just sob but feel your aunt stiffen "wait do you know the person" she asked you in shock, nodding your head you just curl up in a ball on her lap, before looking at your door when you heard "who you talking to sweetie" come from your mum and saw the door being opened and saw your mum and ma stood in the door way "Sorscha what are you doing here" your ma asked your aunt but was quickly cut off by your mum saying "my little pup, are you okay" you heard come from the door way and you start to shake when they walked into your room and they saw the tears coming down your face and how you was shaking in your aunts arms "Marjorie, Autumn I need you to be calm and Autumn no rushing off to kill anyone, you need to be here for Y/N" you heard your aunt say to your mum's and feel her tighten her grip on you slightly to protect you. Seeing them sit at the end of the bed you looked at them and just sob even more and screamed slightly when your mum grabbed you and tried to move you to her lap "NO LET GO" you screamed when you didn't expect to be touched and you feel her let go and you rushed to your bathroom that was connected to your bedroom and slammed the door hearing "AUTUMN WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" being screamed by your aunt towards your mum "I was trying to comfort my upset daughter" you heard your mum say and you slowly opened the door slightly and moved back to where your aunt was still sat and just looked at her before looking at her "I can't say it, can you help" you ask her and hear her sigh before nodding her head.

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