BBQ Part 2

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Over the last 5 weeks you had gotten to know your older siblings better and they even helped to finish the nursery that you and Charlotte had set up for your unborn daughter, Reece and Autumn built the crib when Charlotte rang them after trying to build it but struggled with it and helped her finish it when you was having a nap one weekend and woke up to hear them in the nursery trying to figure where it would go and you walked in and just pointed to the place you wanted the crib and they quickly moved it to where you pointed not arguing with you since they knew how hot and hormonal you currently were. You was now 40 weeks pregnant and you was trying to get comfy on the bed but couldn't since it was very warm and you had thrown the quilt of the bed and made Charlotte sleep with a blanket whilst you didn't sleep with anything, looking at the time you saw it was your due date and looked at your bump "come out soon little one" you whisper and got a small kick in response to what you said before looking at your wife who was currently passed out asleep and you felt jealousy coarse through your body at her sleeping peacefully before sighing and getting up out the bed slowly which took a few tries but you finally did it and waddled out the bedroom and walked down to the room that was now your daughters nursery and walked into it and saw that everything was set up ready for her arrival, you walked back out the room and walked down the stairs and went into the living room and sat on the couch and turned on some music quickly changing it when you heard your own voice coming out the speaker but quickly turned it back when you felt your daughter settle inside you at hearing your voice "if you come out mama will sing as much as you want" you bargain with your daughter which was responded with a swift kick to the ribs but what made you sit up was the wet feeling you felt between your legs which was followed by a contraction "really that got things started" you whisper groaning at the feeling of wet pants and the start of the contractions.

Standing up you removed your shorts that your were wearing and walked into the kitchen to grab a towel from the laundry room and quickly dried yourself before looking at your bump "lets call my midwife and wake mummy up" you say and grab your phone that you brought with you and quickly dialled your midwife and explained what was happening before hanging up and went to walk up the stairs but was stopped by another contraction and let it pass before moving to walk up the stairs and into your bedroom "Charlotte" you say from where you was stood out off breath but saw your wife just turn over and fell back asleep "please don't be like your mother" you say to you bump before walking into the bathroom and grabbed a cup and filled it with water and walked back out to the bedroom "Charlotte wake up" you say louder but got no response from your wife except for a mumble but you couldn't make sense of what was said, sighing you threw the water over her and saw her sit up quickly "what was that for" she asked looking at you and saw you stood there with a cup in your hand and noticed you was half naked with a very angry look on your face "welcome to the land of living bab-" you got out before doubling over in pain and gripped the end of the bed "omg" you hear Charlotte say and hear her get out the bed and rush over to where you was bent over. Slowly breathing through the pain you moved your head to look at Charlotte before saying "that's why I threw water at you" to her and stood up straight slowly "yeah I deserve it, we need to phone your midwife, have you had any more contraction and have your waters broken" Charlotte asks you very quickly still dripping wet from the water you threw at her "I've had 3 contractions and I've phoned my midwife, go get changed okay I'll ring Reece and Autumn" you say and saw her nod her head and quickly go to get changed.

Picking up your phone and dialled your sisters number knowing she would be more likely awake "hello" you heard a sleepy voice say down the phone "sorry Autie if I woke you up" you whisper and saw it was currently 1 in the morning "it's okay, is everything okay" you heard Autumn say to you "you know the usual in labour" you say calmly and heard a "OMG, are you okay what do you need" come down the phone followed by a loud thud and a mumbled "you okay my love" in the background "I'm fine my sweet" you heard Autumn say to Winter before hearing "what hospital are you going to" Autumn say to you and you smacked your head realising you forgot to mention your plans "I'm not going to the hospital, I'm doing a home birth, I hate hospitals" you say sitting on the bed feeling pains in your back and watched as Charlotte walked out the bathroom in clean clothes and saw her rush around to make sure everything was ready for when the midwife arrived "okay, do you want us to come round or wait at home" you heard her ask and decided to let everyone come round "come round but we want everyone to stay downstairs when I'm giving actual birth though" you explain before hanging up after saying goodbye and quickly dialled your older brother number and put this call on speak since you knew a contraction could happen at any moment "ello" you heard a female voice say and realise it was Marjorie who answered the phone "Marjorie sorry to wake you but could you put Reece on" you ask her nicely but you wanted to break the news to your brother not his partner "sure, Reece wake up its Y/N" you hear her say before hearing "you okay Y/N/N" come from Reece "hey sorry for waking you up but I need to be quick a contractions going to hit, but you know just in labour thought you wanted to know" you say and broke into laughter when you hear a loud thud followed by "REECE" being shouted by Marjorie and Reece shouting "I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE TODAY" however that laughter quickly turned to a groan when the contraction started followed by a small scream "LOTTIE" you shout for your wife forgetting you was on the phone "I'm here breath sweetie, that's it" Charlotte says rubbing your back after couple of seconds it ended and you leant in to her before hearing "you okay Y//N/N" come from the phone "sorry Reece I did say a contraction was hitting soon, but I'm good Autie and Winter are on the way so you and Marjorie should come round as well" you say a bit out of breath and heard "what do mean come round, what hospital are you going to" come from Reece and you mentally smacked yourself again "I mean to ours Reece I'm having a home birth" you say and hear "we are on the way" before the phone call ended.

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