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Prompt: Autumn saves you from your foster parents

TW: mention of abuse, homophobia and swearing 

You've been working as an apprentice at the Knight nursery for about 6 months, in them six months you have become close with everyone but the person that you were closest too was Autumn, everyone was shocked at Autumn was with you she was kind and always spoke to you kindly and softly. You were the youngest member of staff and most of the staff thought of you as the baby and made sure that you were okay and nobody messed with you.

The day was almost over and you had one more child to go home and then you could leave for the evening, the child parents eventually turned up and their demeanour and body language made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up; "Kyle your daddy is here" you shout to Kyle, he was about to run over but his dad made him stay "Kyle stay there I need a word with your teacher" he says to Kyle, you look over to Sorscha who was in the room tidying and she just shrugs her shoulders but she did come a bit closer. "What can I do for you sir" you say politely something in you told to act and do as your told, your life as a foster kid has drilled it into you; "the picture that you put on the daily dairy for kyle showed he was playing with dolls, why is my son playing with girl toys" Kyles dad snaps at you the only thing you say to him is "sorry sir it won't happen again" you say meekly "you better make sure it doesn't my son only plays with boys toys, he is not a girl. Kyle lets go" he gets Kyle and leaves.

You turn and see Sorscha looking at you with shock at what just happened "Y/N what was that" she asks you, she gets concerned when you don't reply but just carry on with getting the room tidied, your mind was reeling, imagines of the past and how you was bounced from foster to foster all your life; foster parents shouting, punching and other types of abuse, the door to the room is thrown open and the sound made you jump. You and Sorscha turn to the door and you go pale when you see it's your foster parents but nobody new everyone thought they were your parents, "Y/N you have 10 seconds to get your stuff and get your arse in to the car now" your foster mum shouts at you "how did you get into building" Sorscha asks them "the deputy let us in, we are hear to pick up this little slut" your foster dad says to Sorscha.

Your foster dad turns to you "Well move girl, we haven't got all day" he walks closer to you and as he gets closer you walk backwards, you had seen the look in his eyes and you know bad things happen when he got that look, your ribs were still sore from the last beating he gave you last night. You get broken from your thoughts when your foster dad gets you by the throat and pins you to the wall, you hear Sorscha yelling but you don't respond to her, you just hang in the air with his hand around your neck.

Sorscha was in shock at was going on, but she now understands why you acted the way with Kyles dad, she opened the door to the room whilst arguing with your foster mum and screams for help and who she sees come down the corridor she knew this wouldn't end well for your foster parents; Autumn came down the corridor and barged past Sorscha and what she saw made her blood boil, your foster dad had you in the air by the throat and was punching you in the ribs "phone the police and get Marjorie" Autumn turns to Sorscha who does as Autumn asks.

You lock eyes with Autumn and scream for her "Mama, help please" you scream for her, Autumn thought you was screaming for your foster mum, but she sees you looking at her and hears you whimper 'mama' again. Marjorie and Sorscha enter the room with police who had turned up and when the police see you, they recognise you from previous foster homes; they run over and get your foster dad away from you and puts him in handcuffs with your foster mum also in handcuffs, one officer walks over to you and asks if this has happened before and you curl up in to a ball and nod your head at her question.

Autumnwalks over to you and gently bends down in front of you and as soon as she isin front of you, she opens her arms and you crawl into them whimpering 'mama'to her; "Y/N what happened why did your parents do this" you hear Autumn ask"they are my foster parents" you say quietly, everyone was in shock nobody knewyou was a foster child not even Marjorie knew and she did all the paper workwith you. Autumn just grabs you tighter and she knew you wasn't going intoanother foster home if it's the last thing she did, your eyes start to droopand all you hear is Autumn whisper "Mama is here close them eyes" and you driftoff to sleep knowing you are safe for the first time

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