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prompt: you are 15 and meet your mum after school but you are sick 

You was currently sat in your last class of the day and you felt like someone has run over your body with how much it hurt, you felt your head throbbing with a headache and your stomach was churning; you knew you was sick but you pushed through the class knowing it was your last one for the day, you had been fine when you woke up that morning but as the day has gone on you felt worse until you felt like you currently did. You hear the bell ring dismissing the class for the day but the noise made your head hurt worse and made your ears ring making you feel dizzy what got worse when you stood up to leave, you left your class and the school building and started to walk towards your mums work where you was meeting her and then going home together, luckily it was only a ten minute walk but with how you was feeling it felt longer. Eventually you made it to the building and grabbed your phone to message your mum that you were outside, 5 minutes of waiting you see the front gate open and you saw your mum stood there and you walked over stumbling a bit but your mum caught you when she saw you stumble "careful sweetie" she says to you and leads you into the building, you follow behind slowly and you see your mum turn to you "you feeling alright Y/N/N your very quiet" she asks whilst looking at your closely "got a headache and my body aches" you whisper and feel yourself getting upset and your mum brings you in for a hug and kisses your forehead "your burning up Y/N, when we get to the office I will take your temperature" she whispers to you and rubs your back to calm you down.

You are lead to your mums office and you look around since you haven't been here before and you were sure nobody knew your mum had a daughter except for your uncle, you both walk in and you see a brunette woman sat at the other desk who looks up at you both when she sees you enter the office "Autumn who is this" the woman asks your mum, your mum makes you sit in her chair and she starts to look for a thermometer "this is Y/N, Marjorie" you hear your mum say and you just curl up in her chair starting to feel worse then you did when you left your class, you feel the woman who your mum called Marjorie staring at you which makes you curl up tighter and whimper since you don't like new people, you close your eyes hoping it will make the room stop spinning you hear "stop staring at her Marjorie" come from your mum and you hear her footsteps walk closer to you.

Opening your eyes you see your mum crouch down in front of you with a thermometer in her hand "let me check your temperature Y/N/N" she whispers to you and reaches out to take your temperature which makes you whimper when it goes in your ear "I'm sorry baby, just a few more seconds" your mum mumbles to you and then removes it from your ear when it beeped "38 degrees, I'll give you some medicine when we get home okay" she says to you which makes you groan since you hate taking medicine which your mum knows "I know you don't like it but you have to take it" she says to you making you look at her in the eyes so you know she is being serious with you "ok mama" you whisper and you hear a gasp but you ignore it and put your arms out for a hug off your mum, not caring that you was acting like a little kid you got clingy when you was sick or upset, you see your mum move to pick you up and you quickly wrap your arms around her neck and your legs around her waist, your mum sits down with you clinging on to her and rest your head on her shoulder feeling safe in her arms. You was nearly falling asleep when you heard two sets of footsteps walking towards the office and hear "hey gorgeous, sis" and "Autumn, Marjorie" come from your uncle Reece and aunt Mia, you open your eyes and see your uncle looking at you "what is wrong with peanut" you hear him ask your mum calling you by his nickname for you "she's not feeling to good, I'm about to take her home so she can sleep" your mum explains and you feel her rub your back to settle you, you see Mia walk over to you and crouches down slightly so you can see her "you not feeling well petal" she whispers to you and all you do is shake your head and cuddle into your mum crying slightly into her shoulder "go home" you whimper out to your mum but before your mum could respond you here "what is going on Autumn, you never show emotions and why do you Reece and Mia seem to know who Y/N is" Marjorie screech and the noise makes your head hurt worse and you whimper at the noise "keep your voice down Marjorie and this is Y/N my daughter" your mum explains and stands up with you and goes to grab both hers and your bag but Mia grabs them both for her so she can hold you properly "I'm not explaining anything, I'm taking her home where she can sleep" your mum says and carries you out the office with Mia following behind with the bags and soon you feel yourself being placed into your mums car.

Your mum buckles you in the car and closes the door behind her and you curl up in the seat and close your eyes trying to get the world to stop spinning, you hear your mum getting into the car and start the car and you drift off to sleep, you are woken up by someone rubbing your shoulder and you open your eyes but shut them quickly when the brightness hurts your head and makes you whimper in pain "come on sweetie lets get you settled in bed" you hear your mum whisper to you and you feel yourself being picked up by your mum and you cling to her and cuddle as close as possible to her, you hear your mum open the front door and walk into the house and you relax slightly when your mum starts to hum a soft tune to calm you down. You feel your mum carrying you up the stairs and into your bedroom and she placed you on your bed and you watched through squinted eyes that she closed the blinds and curtains in your room making it dark which makes the throbbing in your head less painful, your mum helps you get changed after she watched you struggle to do it yourself "sweetie can you take this for me please" your mum asks you whilst holding up a spoon of medicine and you whimper when you see it but one glare from your mum makes you open your mouth and quickly swallow the medicine "well done sweetie" your mum says to you before helping you get into your bed and she lays next to you and laughs when you decide to lie on her instead so you can listen to her heartbeat and she watched as the exhaustion and the medicine kick in and watched as you fall asleep and she just cuddles you closer, hoping you feel better when you woke up.

You woke up feeling achy and worse then you did before you went to sleep and you noticed that your mum wasn't with you, getting up of the bed slowly you feel like the room is spinning but you close your eyes hoping it would stop and when you reopened your eyes it felt less like it was spinning, you leave your room wrapping yourself in your favourite blanket and go search for your mum, you heard voices coming from downstairs and made your way down the stairs and decided to sit on your bum and slide down them that way going one step at a time but by the time you got to the bottom you felt out of breath and more tired but you wanted your mum and slowly stood up and walked into the living room and saw your mum, aunt Mia, Uncle Reece and the woman who your mum called Marjorie sat around the room but your main focus was your mum "mama" you whisper before wincing from the pain in your throat and walk over to her slowly "hi sweetie, you okay" you heard your mum ask you but you just shake your head and start to cry, you get to your mum and she pulls you onto her lap and you cling to her and sob into her chest "sshh darling, your burning up again, let's get this blanket off you" your mum whispered to you and removed the blanket that you was wrapped in and you cuddle closer to her feeling cold "noo mama cold" you whimper out and you felt someone touch your back and your move away from the touch not liking the feeling "it's just Aunt Mia petal" you heard your Aunt say to you in a whisper "want mama" you whisper feeling tired "I've got you sweetie" she whispers to you and rubs your back "Reece can you get a cold cloth for her head" your mum asks your uncle and a couple of minutes later you feel a cold cloth being placed on your forehead and neck which caused you to whimper at the sensation "mama, blanket" you ask in a mumble .

You cuddle closer to your mum when you feel the cold "cold mama" you whisper and you feel a hand being placed on your cheeks "sweetie, your still too warm you can't have a blanket on you until your fever has broken or your temperature goes down" your mum explains which causes you to cry because you just want to be wrapped up with your mum but can't due to your temperature being too high. Autumn watched as you close your eyes and she feels you cuddle closer to her and she knew that you definitely had a fever since you was shivering but had a high temperature and she could feel the heat coming off you from you just being close to her, she rubbed your back hoping it will help you settle Autumn knew from you being ill that you get very clingy and she would have a koala bear as a child for how long you was sick for, however Autumn needed to nip to the bathroom "sweetie, I need to nip to the bathroom can you sit with aunt Mia" she asked you and just felt you cling tighter to her and she sighed but she stood up and gently passed you to Mia and her heart broke when she heard the quiet "noo mama" come from you but she left the living room quickly.

You felt your mum pass you to your aunt but you didn't want your aunt to hold you and wanted your mum to hold you, you start to sob into your aunts chest and the achiness in your body was making everything feel worse, your sobs start to get louder "its okay petal" you heard your aunt say to you and felt her rub your back and move the cloths of you when she saw them not being cold anymore "want mama" you whimper out and soon you heard the voice of who you wanted and move as quickly as you could towards the voice and was soon picked up again "I'm here darling, lets get you some more medicine and get back to bed" your whispers to you and you relax when you are back in your mums arms and felt yourself being carried back upstairs and back into your bedroom where your mum placed you down on the bed and quickly grabbed the medicine which you reluctantly take and gag at the taste before lying down and soon you drift back to sleep being held by your mum feeling safe and content in her arms.  

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