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Prompt: you are 20 years old lose your mum and your work family help you

Sitting in the hospital waiting room you felt cold you didn't know what to do or who to even call, 2 hours before you had a healthy living mum but know she was gone, you had gotten a call saying your mum had been brought in due to being hit by a car and you was told to get to the hospital as soon as you could due to her injuries being serious, you had gotten to the hospital as quick as you could but it was too late your mum had passed away during surgery and you was now sat in the waiting room at 10 o'clock at night trying to process everything that happened, you was only 20 and you had just lost the only family member you have ever known, you heard your phone ring from your pocket and pulled it out and saw it was Marjorie your boss ringing you "hello" you say trying not to breakdown crying "hi my love, I was just wondering if you could switch shifts on Monday to the later start" she asks you and something in you wanted to agree to what she asked but you couldn't even function and the thought of even stepping foot in the building on Monday was the last thing you wanted to do "I'm sorry Marjorie but I won't be in Monday" you say to her trying to hold it together "ohh is everything okay" she asks you in concern which causes the dam to break and you started to sob down the phone to your boss "Y/N what's going, are you okay" you heard her say down the phone but you couldn't speak properly "sweetie, where are you" she asks you and you get out "hospital" between sobs and heard a gasp come from down the phone "I'm on the way" you hear her say and before you could even process what she said she had hung up the phone.

Looking down at your phone you hear footsteps and looked up to see the doctor who did the surgery walk over to you with some of your mum's belongings in his hand "again I'm sorry for your loss, we have a few of your mum's belongings and wanted to return them to you" he says and gently hands over your mums phone and some of her jewellery to you which you take with shaky hands and sat down again after he had walked away, sitting there fiddling with your mums necklace you heard rushed footsteps and heard "Y/N" being shouted and looked up to Marjorie rushing towards you and you stand up and meet her halfway and just breakdown in her arms "lets sit down" you hear Marjorie whisper to you and guides you to where you had been sitting for nearly 3 hours "what happened Y/N, why are you here" she asks you a few minutes later and in between sobs you get out "m-my mu-um die-died" you get out and feel her tighten her hold on you before rubbing your back to help you calm down a bit more "come on, lets get you out of here and get you home" she says and helps you stand up and guides you out the hospital and towards her car and helped you into the car before rushing to the drivers seat, you curl up in the seat and just play with your mum's necklace slowly going more numb as the minutes passed "Y/N do you want to go to your home or come back to mine" you hear Marjorie ask you after driving for a few minutes "mine" you whisper and just go back to being silent in your seat.

Eventually you feel the car come to a stop and you look out the window to see you was back at your home and you instantly regret saying you wanted to come here but you slowly climb out the car and turned to Marjorie "thank you Marjorie, I will see you in work" you say to her but got a confused look on your face when you saw her climb out the car and walked round to you "if you think I'm going to leave you alone tonight, especially after what you have been through then you are very mistaken" she says and you feel her guide you towards the house and you slowly follow her and pass her the key when she saw you just stand there looking at the door with the key in your hand, hearing the door open you step into the very silent house and just breakdown crying when you see pictures of your mum everywhere and turn into Marjorie when she wraps you into a hug "I can't be here" you whisper to her and she gently brings you backout the house and leads you to her car again and puts you back in the seat you was in "let me go and pack some clothes for you, is there anything specific you want" she asks you brushing the hair from you face "there's a blanket on my bed, could you grab it please and maybe one of mu-mums shirts" you asks and stumble over the word and see her stand up and rushes in to the house to grab what you asked for, a few minutes later you see her come back out with a bag and carried a blanket in her arms, once she was close to you she gently passed the blanket to you and you wrap it round you and gently let the smell of the perfume your mum owns soothe you and curl up in the seat again but this time covered in your blanket, you hear Marjorie climb back into the car and feel the car start a few seconds later and see your house get smaller in the distance and you rested your head against the window and close your eyes letting your tears freely fall and clutch the necklace in your hand tighter and slowly let the exhaustion you felt slowly creep up on you and you drift off to sleep.

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