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Prompt: you are 26 years old and by helping a child be confident they helped you become more confident in yourself 

TW: comments about disabilities 

AN: Be proud of who you are and don't let the haters bring you down or let little comments affect you, I love you all 

You woke up and sat up in your bed when you heard your alarm going off and reached to turn it off before sighing, moving to sit on the edge of your bed you sighed looking down and reached for your prosthetics leg and placed your protective sleeve on first before sliding the leg into place and stood up slowly and moved to get dressed and put on a pair of black jeans and a jumper since it was what you was only comfortable in and once you was dressed you left for work and walked over the road since you lived across from the nursery that you worked at, entering the building you walked towards then office greeting Agatha who was already at her desk and entered the office to sign in greeting Marjorie and Autumn "morning" you say to them both and turned to them "good morning Y/N, you are in the preschool room today, and you have a new starter starting today in the room" Marjorie tells you "okay, do I get to know anything about the child" you ask her and see her nod at you "yes they are 4 years old and they are called Alexandra but her parents have told me she goes by Lexie and she has a mobility issue" Marjorie explains and you look at her confused on what she meant "what mobility issue" you ask her slightly confused "she has a prosthetic leg so she struggles to either keep it on or doesn't like to wear it" Marjorie explains not noticing you look down before looking back up quickly "has she got a key person" you ask her which you think might of confused the women "not right now no" she tells you a bit confused on why you would ask "I know you choose them but I don't mind being her key person" you suggest before leaving the room and heading off to the preschool room.

Walking in the room, you quickly saw Sorscha setting up the room "morning Sorscha" you say to her and walked over to help set up the room for the day "hiya Y/N, how are you this morning" Sorscha asked you when she saw you walk over "I'm doing alright" you say to her and move around the room before quickly but slowly greet all the parents and preschoolers, you and Sorscha had been busy most of the morning when you heard the door open and saw Marjorie walk into the room with a woman and a small little girl walking next to her and you realised this was Alexandra who was starting in the room today, walking over to Marjorie and the parent when you heard Marjorie call you over "hi, you must be Annabelle and this must be Lexie" you say before shaking the mums hand before awkwardly bending down to Lexie's height "hi Lexie, I'm Y/N its very nice to meet you" you greet the little girl and saw her look at you "hi" Lexie whispered to you shyly and you briefly looked down and noticed the prosthetics "OMG, that is such so cool" you whispered to her before leaning closer and whispered so she would only hear "I'm part robot too" you whispered before leaning back to see her looking at you with wide eyes and you quickly held your fingers up to your lips to signal it was a secret and saw her nod at you seriously. Standing back up slowly you saw Lexie's mum looking at you "sorry if I over stepped" you start to say but was cut off by Annabelle "don't be, this is the first time in a while I have seen Lexie relax" she says to you and looking back down to Lexie you see her smiling at you "so before you go is there anything we should know apart from the basics" you ask Lexie's mum "apart from the mobility issue, she has no allergies or tolerances, the only thing you have to watch out for is her taking her prosthetic off occasionally" Annabelle says to you and nodding your head you turn to Lexie "shall me and you go and do some colouring" you ask Lexie and saw her say goodbye to her mummy before she walked over to you and took your hand and you gently led her to the colouring table where 2 other children were colouring "Jessica, Ruby this is Lexie she will be with us today" you introduce Lexie to the little girls at the table and helped Lexie sit down before sitting on the chair next to her.

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