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Prompt: you return to the last place you called home and things have changed


Looking at the house in front of you and sighing nervously, you haven't been to this house in 3 years and was nervous to see the person that lived here and how they will react to you being here. Walking up the driveway, you could feel your heart starting to beat rapidly and when you reached the door you raised your hand to knock gently shushing the baby on your chest when she stirred slightly and waited for the door to open. After waiting for a few minutes you went to leave thinking nobody was in but stopped when the door was slightly opened "hello" you heard come from the door and turning back around to face the person you heard a gasp "hi" you say softly to the woman in front of you and felt tears start to form in your eyes from seeing the woman "Y/N is that you" you heard her whisper and see her open the door wider "hi Marjorie" you say and just watch her look at you " how are you here" you heard Marjorie ask you and shifting slightly on the step you sighed slightly "I found you threw my old social worker, I made him give me your information a few weeks ago but I had to wait a few weeks to come back" you say softly and saw her look at you a bit confused at what you meant "nobody can stop me being here, I'm not in the system anymore" you say to her and saw her eyes go wide "it's today isn't it" you hear her say to you "yes, I'm 18 today so I'm free" you say to her and see her eyes fill with tears and saw just staring again.

Standing on the door step a bit awkwardly you just stare at Marjorie and could tell she was shocked to see you stood here after not seeing her for 3 years "I'm so happy to see you, would you like to come in" you heard her say to you and nodding your head you follow her into her home and shut the door behind you before slipping of your shoes, walking through the house you noticed it looked the same slightly but you noticed there was something different about the house but couldn't pinpoint what it was, Marjorie lead you into the living room and entering the room you moved to the sofa and gently sat down and saw her sit in front of you on the other couch "you have grown up so much" you hear her say softly to you which caused you to smile slightly at her "thank you, I'm actually here for another reason as well" you admit and see her look at you in concern "I found out why everything didn't go through 3 years ago, I found out 2 weeks ago and I knew I had to find you and tell you" you say gently and see her sit up straight and you glanced down you hoped your 3 week old daughter would stay silent for a bit longer so you could tell Marjorie everything "what did you find out" you hear Marjorie ask you and move closer to you on the couch "I found out my old social worker was paid by someone to make it seem like you wasn't fit enough to look after me and fudged some of the paper work, after I found out the truth it was a shock because the 3 years I could've been here and had a mum and someone who cared about me but because of a man called Roger Knight I didn't" you explain to her and heard her gasp which made you look at her "what's with the gasp" you ask her confused why she gasped "I know of Roger Knight, he is the owner of the nursery I manage" you hear her say and you just looked at her shocked and couldn't believe what she had told you.

Looking at Marjorie in shock you tried to process that she knew of the person who basically ruined your life "well he is know in prison for falsifying paper work and so is my old social worker but Roger is also in prison for some other stuff as well" you say gently and see Marjorie look at you in concern "let's put this for one side for a minute, I want to know how you have been since I last saw you" you heard her ask you and nodding at her you just sighed slightly "I've been okay, graduated from university last year top of my class and just getting by each day, I have missed you so much, when I was took away from you it was the worst day of my life and I knew I would find you again when I could, I wished I was able to come first thing when I found your information but I had other things to take care of first" you say gently and looked at Marjorie "congratulations sweetie and what did you have to take care of, and I have missed you too after you left I went so mean and cold with my coworkers and just hated everything" she says to you which makes you chuckle at her since you understood what she meant about hating everything after what happened. Looking down briefly you decided to just show her what you was hiding on your chest "so it wasn't just me who was excited to see you again, I have someone I would like you too meet" you say and gently unzip your jacket to reveal a black sling on your chest and your movement made your daughter to wriggle "who did you want me to meet" you hear her say and you gently pull back the sling and turned to the side "Marjorie meet my daughter" you say gently and showed her your daughters little face who was currently fast asleep "what the" you heard Marjorie say and you gently pulled your daughter out the sling fully and wrapped her in a blanket that you grabbed from the bag at you feet and rested your daughter in your arms so Marjorie could see her properly "come closer but just no touching unless your hands are clean" you say and see her stand up and walked closer to you and sat next to you on the couch that you were sitting on.

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