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Prompt: Everyone finds out who your big brother is

You were so excited, you had just gotten back from a 2-year work trip and was excited to finally be reunited with your big brother, you have always been close with your big brother and was sad to leave him for 2 years but he told you to since it was a big opportunity for you and for the last two years you had been living and working in Greece on an architect dig. You had gotten off the plane and headed back to your house that your brother was watching for you whilst you had been away, walking into your house you noticed that it was free of dust and was clean and you smiled when you realised your brother had cleaned your house for you, due to the time difference and how busy your work is you haven't been able to talk to your brother and have missed him so much, since it was 2am and you were exhausted you headed straight for your room and fell on your bed and quickly fell asleep but you messaged your brother to let him know you had landed and was home safely.

Waking up a few hours later, you reached over for your phone and your eyes went wide when you saw it was noon the next day and had 3 missed calls and 2 text messages from your brother, rolling over you stretched your muscles out and laughed when you realised that you was wearing your clothes from yesterday still, climbing out the bed you read the messages from your brother and saw that he wanted to meet up with you and had invited you to game night with his friends and girlfriend, you walked into the bathroom after messaging your brother saying you would be around his for 7pm and undressed before climbing in the shower and washed your hair and body before climbing out and quickly dried off before getting dressed in a pair of joggers and a large jumper that you pinched from your brother, walking over to your dresser and quickly drying your hair until it fell softly down your back with your curls being slightly prominent. You walked downstairs and saw your suitcases were still in the hallway and with a sigh you wheeled them into your laundry room and started to sort out the clothes into piles and started the washing machine and left to the kitchen and quickly made yourself a light snack before deciding to bake some cookies and some brownies that your brother loved so much and would always go mad over when ever you made them, you realised you didn't have any food in or ingredients so had to leave to quickly do some shopping before heading back home to start on the baking you had planned to do.

After putting the cookies and brownies in the oven, you quickly cleaned the small mess you had made and put away all the dishes that had been used after washing and drying them all and decided to watch some television whilst waiting for the baking to finish to bake, checking the time you saw it was 5:30 and would be leaving for your brothers in an hour and left to check the brownies and cookies before pulling them out the oven and letting them cool on the side whilst you went to get changed into a light grey vest top and paired it with a pair of dark grey cotton shorts and pulled on your sandals before walking down the stairs to check if the food has cooled enough to be put in containers, happy with how cool the cookies where you placed them into a medium container before cutting the brownies into even squares and placed them into a large container and quickly wiped the side down before grabbing your keys and left the house and got in your car to head to your brothers and was getting excited about finally seeing him again.

Arriving at your brothers 20 minutes later you climbed out your car grabbing the containers and walked up the path before knocking on the door and was greeted by a tall blonde man opening the door "hi" you say looking at the man in front of you before walking past him not even waiting for a reply before heading into the kitchen and placed the containers on the kitchen side before following the voices into the living room and was greeted with the sight of your brother and 7 other people in the room all talking "who was at the door Reece" your brother asked the blonde man and you looked over to your brother and figured out he hasn't seen you stood in the door way "just some woman" the blonde man replies to your brother and you moved into the living room before shouting "WINNTY" and jumped over the couch and fell on your brother being mindful of the brunette next to him and you both landed on the floor with a soft thud "what is going on" you heard come from someone in the room but ignored it and sat up and looked at your brother who was a little bit dazed from your sudden attack before hearing "OWW, did you really have to do that" come from underneath you and slowly standing up you helped your brother of the floor before feeling him get payback and floored you by tripping you up but made sure you landed on the couch "okay, okay truce" you ask looking at him before smiling at him really wide and saw how much he had changed in the 2 years you have been gone "aww Winnty, you have changed so much its suits you" you say and give him a hug and relaxed into his embrace before letting go when you heard a feminine voice say "my sweet, who is this" and turned to see the brunette giving you the most powerful gaze going but you just smiled at her realising who this was "OMG Winnty, is this THE Autumn you told me about" you say with an excited squeal and bounced on the balls of your feet "yes snowy it is" he says to you before you see him sit next to Autumn and saw her look you up and down before giving you a soft smile "you must be the famous brownie queen that my sweet has told me about" you hear her say and just laugh when you heard what she said before quickly leaving the room and grabbed the container that held the brownies and ran back in the room before offering one to Autumn and smacked your brothers hand away when he went to grab one "none for you yet, let everyone else have one" you say to him and watched as Autumn took a bite of the brownie and saw her eyes go wide in delight "these are delicious" you hear her mumble before turning to see everyone just staring at you with confused looks and realised you haven't introduced yourself.

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