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Prompt: your mum realise you are stressed and helps you destress with the help of her girlfriend 

Climbing out the bed you felt exhausted and drained even though you had slept for a few hours, you were in the middle of final exams and still had 5 more exams to go and had done 6 exam up to now, you pulled your hair up in a ponytail and quickly got dressed into oversized hoodie and some leggings since it was the weekend and was just planning to do some revision and try to rest as much as possible, you was sitting exams that you would normally sit in 4 years but was sitting them now at 11 years old instead due to skipping a few years and had started high school at the age 9 and would be leaving at 11 when you normally finish high school at 16, your mum was proud of everything you have done but you knew she doesn't know how much you was starting to doubt yourself and how stressed you was slowly getting, sitting on your bed you looked at the time on your clock that was on your bedside table and you saw it was 6am, standing it up you walked to your desk and grabbed your books and headphones and slowly creeped downstairs stopping when you heard movement but soon carried on when you didn't hear anything else.

Walking into the kitchen you turned on the undercabinet lights and walked to the table and set out your books and organised them so that the subject on your next exam was at the top of the pile before grabbing your empty notebooks and opened the first one to an empty page before walking to the fridge to grab a bottle of water and moved back to the table and sat down in the chair and pulled your headphones on and turned your music on and got started on revising, even though you had a photographic memory and a IQ of 190 you still liked to revise and really understand the subject instead of just remembering the information. As you got absorbed into your work and so focused on everything plus having your headphones on you didn't hear the movement upstairs or hear your mum walk into the kitchen, you were working on revising English and was wrapped up in analysing a poem, you didn't hear your mum call you or hear her walk towards you and jumped when you felt a hand touch your shoulder and turned to see your mum stood behind you. Pulling of your headphones you put your pen down "morning mum" you say to her with a smile "morning sweetie, how long you been up for" she asked you "I was up at 6am" you say to her and saw her look at you with a concerned frown "baby girl you have been up for 4 hours" you heard her say to you and it shocked you that it was 10am already "I didn't even realise the time" you say to her quietly and turn back to your work but leaving your headphones off "have you been studying all this time" you heard her ask you and felt her run her fingers through your long hair "maybe" you muttered whilst writing in your notebook and felt her stop playing with your hair "baby girl you are taking a break for a few hours" she says and you see her reach for the pen in your hand "mama I need to study" you say and move your hand so she couldn't grab the pen out your hand "Y/N Y/M/N ROBERTS" your mum says and you just look at her "mama I need to study I will take a break after" you say to her standing up and turning to face her fully "you are going to take a break now, then in a few hours you can study again" she says to you seriously and you just stare at her "FINE" you say to her and storm out the room and rush up to your room and slammed your bedroom door shut.

Mia stood in shock at what had happened, she was in more shock that you shouted at her since you have never raised your voice at her, she decided to give you some time to calm down and looked at your books that you had left and she gently organised them into a neat pile but was shocked at how many different subjects you were revising, she knew you was sitting your end of year exams and how important they were since they was the exams that you were sitting before you left school but actually seeing the revision you were doing to make sure you passed was overwhelming for her to see so she wondered how you were feeling. Mia placed the books in a pile and reached for her phone and rang her girlfriend's number "hi Mia" she heard her sweetheart say to her down the phone "hi sweetheart, could you come round soon" Mia asked Charlotte and hoped she would say yes, she really wanted another opinion on how to handle this and she knew Charlotte would help, Mia had introduced you to Charlotte a couple of weeks ago but Charlotte didn't know how smart you were or anything like that but Mia knew you both got along and that was all she cared about "I can come round now, what's wrong" Mia was brought back to the phone call by Charlottes voice "its Y/N, I just need an opinion about something" she say to Charlotte "I'll be 15 minutes" Charlotte told her down the phone "thank you sweetheart" she says before hanging up the phone and walked up the stairs and stopped outside your room and just sat on the floor outside the door "baby girl" she whispered quietly.

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