Crash part 2

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AN: I was going to be mean and not post this right now and wait until later but I will be out till late so here it is

Waking up slowly you heard voices that you recognised but couldn't place, as you slowly woke up you registered that all you felt was pain coursing through your body which made you groan "snowflake" you heard who you knew was your dad speaking to you and you tried to open your eyes but struggled slightly "that's it snowflake" you heard being said and opening your eyes you see your dad even if it was bit blurry and tried to speak but found you couldn't and you realise your throat was dry "someone get the doctor" you heard him say and you heard someone move but you just focused on your dad and tried to move before whimpering in pain "stay still snowflake" he tells you and you stop moving before turning your head when you see 2 blurry people walking towards you "Miss Knight it's amazing to see you awake, I'm doctor Richardson and you was in a really bad accident" you heard a man say and it all came back to you everything that happened how excited you was to then suddenly feeling pain and then blackness then it gets all foggy and you don't remember anything, trying to speak again you try to move your left hand but found you couldn't since it felt heavy and moved your right instead to touch your throat and tried to speak again "we will get you some water, I presume your throat feels very dry" you heard the same man say and you move to nod your head but stopped when you felt pain and it made you whimper "you will be in pain for a while, I will get you some pain medication to help with the pain and when your more awake I will be back to have a chat" the man says and you watch as the blurry blob moves away before seeing a blurry arm hold something to your lips and you quickly realise it was a star and take slow sips "t-t-t-thank yo-you" you stutter out before taking another sip "gla-glassess" you ask slowly "I have your spares for you" you heard a female voice say before feeling someone put your glasses on your face and soon the blurriness disappears and you see your dad, 2 aunts and a brunette woman looking at you and see your dad holding a cup with a straw.

Once you were able to see you tried to look around the room and see you was in the hospital and turn to see a doctor walk in "we are going to give you a low dosage of morphine to help the pain" the doctor says and you recognise the voice as the man who spoke to you before "ok-okay" you stutter out and cringe at your voice and try to reach for the water and saw your dad walk over to you and helped you drink "we are going to sit you up slightly" a nurse says and you brace yourself when you feel yourself being moved and the pain was overwhelming "pppapa" you slur from the pain and see him bend down slightly "you're okay, you have been through a lot okay, let everyone help you" he whispers to you and wipes the tears from your eyes and you nod slightly at him, and turn to look at him in the eye "w-w-what ha-happened" you get out slowly and heard him sigh "you was in a car accident, a drunk driver hit you after they ran a red light, you have been unconscious for 3 days" your dad tells you and it slowly came back to you and you looked at your body taking in the 2 casts and the cuts and bruises "you had to have 3 surgeries, you have a broken arm, leg, pelvis and 5 broken ribs as well as a punctured lung which has been fixed" you heard the doctor say and you look at everyone in shock at what you was hearing "h-h-how ba-bad" you get out "snowflake it was bad, but know we just need to focus on your recovering" your dad says sitting next to you and knew he was trying to distract you from the bad side of it and to get you to focus on the main thing in that moment and that was your recovery "the recovery is going to be hard, we had to reconstruct your pelvis and leg, you will have to be here for at least 2 months and do physical therapy but we need to let your stitches and internal injuries heal first before we move you" the doctor says to you slowly to help you keep up "s-ssleepy" you say before feeling drowsy and feel your dad kiss your head "sleep" he whispers and you quickly fall asleep into a deep sleep.

Reece watched as you fall asleep very quickly even though you had only just woken up but knew you was still very badly injured and he turned to Mia "in my car in the back there is a bag, blanket and teddy could you grab them for me" he asked her and handed his car keys over to Mia and saw her walk out the room and sat in the chair that he had been sat in for the last few days and looked over to Autumn and Marjorie "sit down" he says softly and smiled when Marjorie walked over to him and sat in his lap but on the side so he could still see you and saw Autumn sit in the chair next to him "she's a mini female version of you" he heard Marjorie say and he knew she was right since you was a carbon copy of him but just female "yeah, but she has developed Mia and Autumn's personality and plus my own and well lets just say she causes chaos wherever she goes" he says softly and reaches for your hand and felt you tighten your grip and he was happy to see you instantly do it even in a deep sleep "Marjorie meet Y/N Autumn Knight" he whispers to Marjorie and saw her turn to him "it suits her, and I'm not mad you didn't tell me you had a daughter, I understand why you didn't, its not just yourself you have to think about, but how is she able to drive she's only what 15 or 16" he heard Marjorie say and quickly looked at Autumn who just started to laugh loudly but quickly quietened down when he glared at her when he saw you move at the noise "sorry" she whispered to him "Marjorie she's 17" he tells his girlfriend and saw Marjorie look at you in shock "your joking" he heard "nope, she is turning 18 in a few months and passed her test 3 months ago" he says feeling sad his little girl will be an adult in a few months and not his little snowflake. Reece looked up when he heard the door to your room open and smiled when he saw Mia walk into the room with your blanket and teddy in her arms and the bag he packed slung over her shoulder "did you pack her whole room, this thing is heavy" he heard Mia say and chuckled at the red head "no, but I did pack her nail polishes and books though" he says and heard Autumn squeal in excitement which caused Marjorie to look at her in shock "did she just squeal" Marjorie asked him and he nodded his head "Y/N is the only person who can get Autumn and Mia to show emotions" he explained and watched as his 2 sisters get you covered by your blanket and placed your teddy under your non-hurt arm and he smiled when you brought it closer to you in your sleep.

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