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prompt: you are 17 in this does mention death nothing graphic 

You walk towards the building that you work in, you felt like the world was crashing but you carried on like it was a normal day; you have been working at the Knight Nursery as an apprentice for a year and you have enjoyed every minute of it. As you walked in you kept your head down and quickly made your way to the office to sign in, entering the office you see that Autumn is sat in there talking to Marjorie; you quickly walk over to the sign in sheet and look up when you hear "morning Y/N, you will be in the preschool room today with Sorscha" come from Marjorie "ok" you simply say whilst nodding your head and leave the office and head to the room that would be working in, not seeing the concerned faces from your managers. As you enter the room, you see that Sorscha is setting up an activity with 2 children and you see 3 other children sat in the home corner playing "morning Y/N, not many in today I think we have 7 today, so why don't you come and do this activity and I will go into the home corner with the 3 others" Sorscha says to you "okay, what time are the other 2 due to arrive" you say talking for the first time today in a quiet voice "they are due in around 12, you okay" Sorscha says and you just nod your head and sit at the table with the 2 children and supervise them doing the activity.

Throughout the day you and Sorscha work together to make sure that the children are having fun but also learning what they are meant to do, you have hardly spoken and kept staring off in to space feeling exhausted from not sleeping the night before; you could feel Sorscha looking at you but you didn't acknowledge it or even talk to her much just getting through the day and hoping you can get to the end without breaking like you feel close to doing, you just want to curl up and hide from the world but you knew that wasn't an option due to being in work but also you didn't want to think about what happened and just want to leave. You heard the door open and see the last parents to arrive walking in, you get up and walk over to greet them "hi, James your mummy and daddy are here" you shout to the boy in question your voice catching in your throat before turning back to the parents "James has had a lovely day, he had some art work to take home with him, he has been happy playing, learnt some numbers and he even chose the story at story time" you explain to them grabbing the art work you mentioned and passed it to the parents. The boys mother turn to you "I'm glad he's had a good day" the boys mother says and smiles at you "why do you look rough" the dad asked out of nowhere and you look at him confused "pardon" you say politely not understanding why he would ask that, you knew that you didn't look the best with the black bags under your eyes and red eyes from being tired and probably from crying the night before "what you had one to many last night or out partying all night" the dad says to you and you look at the dad "no, even if I had it is none of your concern" you say quietly hoping they would leave, you looked down to hide the tears threatening to spill, you heard footsteps and heard Sorscha talk to the parents "James is already to go and we will see tomorrow" you heard her say "what she can't even defend herself for her actions" James dad says to Sorscha, you didn't look up zoning out a bit "what she does in her own time doesn't concern anyone" Sorscha says defending you "what would your parents think if they saw you looking like this" the dad says and you feel the tears that were threatening to fall actually fall at the comment.

You look up and look at the parents "James is the last child to leave and we need to clean up, so we will see you both tomorrow when you drop off James tomorrow morning" you say wiping your eyes and walk away not wanting to deal with the parents anymore, you hear the door open and shut and you sigh "you okay Y/N, I will let Marjorie and Autumn about what the dad said" Sorscha says watching as you start to tidy up the room "yeah fine" you say trying to stop the tears and just focus on the tiding not seeing Sorscha leave the room leaving you alone since all the children have gone for they day. As you tidy the room, the silence and being alone makes your mind wander to things you don't want to think about but you can't control what you think about and it wanders to last night where everything changed and you didn't know what to do or talk to, you just remember getting a call and then feeling numb from being told your parents had been in a car accident and you had to get to the hospital, once you got their you were told that your mum had died on impact and your dad was in surgery but prepare for the worse since it wasn't looking good, you had sat in the waiting room for hours and it was at 4am this morning you were told he hadn't made it and you sobbed and screamed for your parents, the doctor took you to say your final goodbyes and you left the hospital at 9am and headed to work and started your shift at 10am not even going home to change or anything.

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